CineTV Contest || Christmas With You || A Holiday Based Movie.

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I think I now know the reason why my friends always ask me to recommend movies to them and it’s because I always select good movies to watch. Maybe it’s luck but whatever movie I click on, it always end up being a masterpiece and a very great one at that.
If that’s the case, I’d be recommending a movie titled Christmas with you which is my favorite holiday movie at the moment.
Christmas with you is a movie directed by Gabriela Tagliavini. It’s a great masterpiece as I have said and you will surely enjoy the plot summary.

Summary of the movie


Angelina Costa, a singer and songwriter is being pressured by Barry, from her record label who expects her to sing a Christmas song by Gala. Then, Angelina met with Cristina Torres. Cristina Torres is a teen whose wish has always been to meet with Angelina Costa and with the help of the geotag, it was easy for Angelina to meet with Cristina. Angelina didn’t go alone but went with her manager, Monique.

Angelina and Monique were welcomed warmly by the family of Cristina and when a snowstorm came in, the two were advised to wait behind and got invited to dinner and may leave when the road becomes clear. The dinner was filled with a lot of chats and revelations from Cristina and Angelina. They both revealed that they lost their mothers not long ago, Angelina was in love with a soap star and the greatest of all which was that Angelina found a song that Miguel, Angelina’s father was writing on his piano.

The story became more fun because Angelina fell in love with the song. Immediately, she decided to collaborate with Miguel so they could make something nice together. Also, she invited Cristina and Miguel to her quinceañera practice where they even rehearsed more while Cristina’s aunt recorded them and posted it on her social networks.
Angelina and Miguel had a great time rehearsing together and when it felt like there was no inspiration, they maybe looked at the Christmas lights for inspiration or did other things. Angelina didn’t even have to worry or stress herself about the Christmas song she was asked to make for the Gala anymore because she and Miguel just made magic.

The plan was to perform the song at the Gala but something different happened. Who knows? Ricardo may be jealous so he made sure that Angelina and Miguel missed each other and they could not perform the song together. Cristina felt bad and said she regrets meeting Angelina.
Surprisingly, Angelina made a surprise visit at Miguel’s and they both ended it with a kiss.
Lastly, their song topped music charts.

This movie is a very interesting one amd there are some scenes that got my attention. I’d only pick two scenes here.
The first scene which got my attention is where Angelina and Cristina met. They had a good Chemistry. If it were to be some other people or celebrities, they treat commoners like they are supposed to be their mini gods which is not supposed to be so. Now, I love the way both of them related even though there is a huge difference between them.

Another scene I love is where Angelina gave them a surprise visit. When some people love you, it comes naturally because love is not something we can buy. Cristina and Miguel didn’t love Angelina because she had money but they were just being plain. I guess Angelina realized that and that’s why she decided to give them a surprise visit even after things felt like they were ruined already.

This movie reflects on our personal lives and there is something to learn from it. The fact that you are a celebrity should never mean that you should not like commoners or look down on them. They may be your helper on the long run.


If Angelina wasn’t kind to Miguel, she might not have that great Christmas song collaboration with him and may even have to struggle more to make a Christmas song but meeting Miguel made things easy for her.

If I want to rate this movie, I’m giving it a 9/10. It is worth the watch and it’s a kind of movie everyone can watch and also easy to understand. If you ever watch this movie, you will love it.

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Your rating tells how interesting the movie is. People who are up there, in the ladder, should treat evryone kindly. The world is an amusing place.
Nice review


For real
It’s good to treat people with love


With this one, see as well that you can fish out good and interesting movie, it will be my pleasure if you can recommend some action movie for me, i love using to keep myself when am less busy