Movie-review: Squid game / El juego del calamar (ENG/ESP)

I liked the first season of this series quite a bit, it was original and not at all like anything I had seen before. I tend to like dark humor and horror in an unexpected setting, so I watched it in one sitting. The second season came much later and I had high expectations with it. It had some details I didn't like, but overall I thought it was great.
La primera temporada de esta serie me gustó bastante, fue original y no se parecía en nada a lo que había visto antes. Suele gustarme el humor negro y el horror en un ambiente inesperado, por lo que la vi de un tirón. La segunda temporada llegó mucho después y tenía altas expectativas con ella. Tuvo algunos detalles que no me gustaron, pero en general me pareció genial.

For those who haven't seen it yet, I tell you that The Squid Game is a dystopian series, suspense and survival, it also contains a horror that you don't expect. In some moments it has a certain black humor that shocks many a little. You can watch it on Netflix. In this post I am going to talk only about the second season.
Para lo que aún no la vieron, les cuento que El juego del calamar es una serie distópica, de suspenso y supervivencia, también contiene un horror que no esperas. En algunos momentos tiene cierto humor negro que a muchos le choca un poco. Se puede ver por Netflix. En este post voy a hablar solo de la segunda temporada.

The second season takes place three years after Ki-hoon won The Squid Game. He has made the decision to forgo going to the United States with all the money he has won and returns with the idea of discovering who the organizers are in order to carry out a vendetta and thus bring justice to so many deaths. He starts looking for the recruiter in the subways of the city and, when he achieves his goal, the plot takes an unexpected turn that ends with the protagonist playing games again. However, this time he has everything in his favor, because he knows what he is up against.
La segunda temporada transcurre tres años después de que Ki-hoon ganara El juego del calamar. Ha tomado la decisión de renunciar a ir a Estados Unidos con todo el dinero que ha ganado y regresa con la idea de descubrir quiénes son los organizadores para llevar a cabo una venganza y así darle justicia a tantas muertes. Comienza buscando al reclutador por los subtes de la ciudad y, cuando logra su cometido, la trama da un giro inesperado que termina con el protagonista jugando de nuevo a los juegos. Sin embargo, esta vez tiene todo a su favor, porque sabe a qué se enfrenta.

The music awakens terror in an unexpected way, along with the bright colors that give a sinister aspect to the whole game. Set as if it were an innocent children's game, the series takes place in the macabre horror of death and betrayal.
La música despierta el terror de manera inesperada, junto con los colores brillantes que le dan un aspecto siniestro a todo el juego. Ambientado como si fuera un inocente juego de niños, la serie transcurre en el horror macabro de la muerte y la traición.

As for the characters, we see how Seong Gi-hun has changed, and such a tragedy changes anyone. He is now a serious man determined to take revenge. As soon as he comes out of the terminal, we see how he has decided to confront the leader behind the macabre games. He puts all his money, which he says has been acquired with blood, in the hands of other people who help him along the way. This is where it all begins.
En cuanto a los personajes, vemos cómo Seong Gi-hun ha cambiado, y es que semejante tragedia lo cambia a cualquiera. Es ahora un hombre serio y decidido a vengarse. Apenas sale de la terminal vemos cómo ha decidido enfrentarse al líder detrás de los macabros juegos. Pone todo su dinero, que ha sido adquirido con sangre según dice, en manos de otras personas que lo ayudan en el trayecto. Con este objetivo comienza todo.

The plot is predictable to some extent, and to some extent it is not, because these games are different from the previous ones and the reaction of the new characters puts a different color on it. I liked the distinctive twist it has when things turn around and the players unexpectedly take control. The ending couldn't have been more irritating, we'll have to wait for season 3 to see what happened in the end. Have you seen the series? Let me know what you thought.
La trama resulta predecible hasta cierto punto, y hasta cierto punto no lo es, porque estos juegos son diferentes a los anteriores y la reacción de los nuevos personajes le pone un colorido diferente. Me gustó el giro distintivo que tiene cuando las cosas se dan vuelta y los jugadores toman el control de manera inesperada. El final no podía ser más irritante, tendremos que esperar a la tercera temporada para ver qué ocurrió al final. ¿Has visto la serie? Contame qué te pareció.

Credits: The photos are from the serie and have their source below. I used the translator
Créditos: Las fotos son de la serie y tienen su fuente debajo. Utilicé el traductor
Squid game definitely has a feel about it. I'm yet to watch season 2 but from your narative it's worth the try. The first season was definitely breath-taking, gorged with a lot of suspense.
Can't wait to see what this season brings forth to its audience
I really liked the second season, I recommend it.
I liked the second season, but was not as impressed as I was with the first. I think, once we know what is happening, once we understand the game, everything after that is unnecessary. While I accepted the violence in the first season as necessary to the plot, the violence in the second season seemed more gratuitous, because we already got the message.
I don't think Gi-hun is just out for revenge. I think he wants to save people. I think he is burdened with the memory of the deaths that in a way he contributed to by playing. He is tortured by his conscience and only saving people will assuage his pain.
Anyway, that's the way I see it :))
Great review for a great show, first and even second season. I for sure am going to watch the third season, if I can, because I have to find out what happens.
That happens with the second seasons of all series, they don't impress. The concept is the same, as is the message. What I see in this new season is that the addition of new characters brings something new to an already known plot. I liked it. :)