The Forbidden Kingdom: A Journey to Legend (๐ช๐ธ | ๐บ๐ธ)

๐๐ฅ ๐๐๐ข๐ง๐จ ๐๐ซ๐จ๐ก๐ข๐๐ข๐๐จ
ย Saludos Bellezas del Cine que dan vida a la Comunidad #CineTV. No sรฉ por quรฉ cuando vengo hasta acรก, los veo como un lugar increรญblemente genial para hablar de pelรญculas buenas y viejas, esas que se consideran clรกsicos. Su comunidad se ha vuelto mi favorita tambiรฉn dentro de este vasto universo llamado Hive. Gracias por este espacio. Hoy quiero hablarles de una pelรญcula que vi hace poco, es algo vieja pero para mรญ es preciada, se trata de El Reino Prohibido.

ย ยฟDรณnde estรกn los fans de Jackie Chan y Jet Li? Aquรญ tienen a una. Y es que para mรญ las pelรญculas de este primer actor son increรญblemente geniales, me encantan todas, pero mรกs esta porque trabaja con el fabuloso Jet Li, otra leyenda de las artes marciales.
ย Y es que extraรฑo mucho las pelรญculas con estos dos actores, sobre todo con las de Jackie quien me hacรญa reรญr mucho con sus ocurrencias majestuosamente improvisadas y con mucho estilo de Kun-Fu. Este seรฑor lo admiro mucho desde que era una niรฑa, siempre he sido fan de su trabajo y actualmente extraรฑo saber de รฉl.

ย Este film lo aprecio tanto porque en รฉl puedo ver "luchar" implacablemente y con estilos totalmente diferentes a mis dos leyendas favoritas de las artes marciales. Su camino por Hollywood fue arduamente duro pero rindiรณ tanto fruto que ellos son, al sol de hoy, muy amados por sus fans asรญ hayan dejado de hacer pelรญculas.
ย Esta historia que desarrollan en el film es una leyenda China bastante conocida pero que el director decidiรณ contar a su manera y de manera mรกs fantasiosa, con efectos especiales sencillos que en aquel entonces fueron bastante innovadores.

ย Esta pelรญcula cuenta una experiencia sobre El Rey Mono (Jet Li) quien queda atrapado en otro reino y debe ser liberado por "el elegido", quien no es mรกs que un Geek fanรกtico de las pelรญculas de Kun-Fu en la รฉpoca actual.
ย Y bueno, como tรญpica pelรญcula de estos actores, lo que mรกs vas a disfrutar de ella es la cantidad de peleas, sobre todo las que se dieron entre Li y Chan. Por otro lado, verรกs una faceta totalmente diferente de Li, ya que sus pelรญculas suelen ser bastante serias y repletas de acciรณn pura con toques dramรกticos. Aquรญ podrรกs disfrutar de รฉl de una manera relajada y divertida.

ย Su exuberante sonrisa me dio miedo en ocasiones pero tambiรฉn me contagiรณ de alegrรญa y me robaron unas cuantas sonrisas a lo largo del film. Me agradรณ ver que el viaje a otra dimensiรณn se abordรณ de manera sencilla, sin profundizar mucho y lo otro que debo resaltar es la cantidad de magia que brindaron en el otro reino.
ย Una pelรญcula diferente, para disfrutar en familia y pasarla riendo, ademรกs de aprender sobre temas valiosos de la vida, a nivel moral, de amistad y lealtad a ser el bien, aunque tenga consecuencias, estas nunca serรกn malas. De mi parte le otorgo sus bien merecidas:

Al Final del post puedes ver el Trailer o pincha AQUI para ir allรก
ย Greetings Film Beauties who bring life to the #CineTV Community. I don't know why, but when I come here, I see you as an incredibly cool place to talk about good old mov is considered classics. Your community has become my favorite too within this vast universe called Hive. Thank you for this space. Today I want to talk to you about a movie I saw recently, it's a little old but for me it's precious, it's about The Forbidden Kingdom.

ย Where are the fans of Jackie Chan and Jet Li? Here you have one. And is that for me the films of this first actor are incredibly great, I love them all, but more this one because he works with the fabulous Jet Li, another legend of martial arts.
ย And I miss the movies with these two actors, especially those with Jackie who made me laugh a lot with his majestically improvised witticisms and with a lot of Kun-Fu style. I've always been a fan of his work and I miss hearing about him these days.

ย I appreciate this film so much because in it I get to see my two favorite martial arts legends โfightโ relentlessly and with totally different styles. Their path through Hollywood was arduous but it paid off so well that they are, to this day, beloved by their fans even though they have stopped making movies.
ย This story that unfolds in the film is a well-known Chinese legend but the director decided to tell it in his way and in a more fanciful way, with simple special effects that at the time were quite innovative.

ย This movie tells an experience about The Monkey King (Jet Li) who gets trapped in another realm and must be freed by โthe chosen oneโ, who is nothing more than a Geek fan of Kun-Fu movies in the current era.
ย And well, as a typical movie of these actors, what you will enjoy most about it is the number of fights, especially the ones between Li and Chan. On the other hand, you will see a different side of Li, as his movies are usually quite serious and full of pure action with dramatic touches. Here you will be able to enjoy him in a relaxed and fun way.

ย Their exuberant smiles scared me at times but they also infected me with joy and stole a few smiles throughout the film. I was pleased to see that the journey to another dimension was approached simply, without going too deep and the other thing I must highlight is the amount of magic they provided in the other realm.
ย A different movie, to enjoy with the family and have a good time laughing, besides learning about valuable issues in life, on a moral level, friendship and loyalty to be good, even if it has consequences, these will never be bad. For my part, I give it its well-deserved:


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Front Cover Image (Imagen de Portada) | DeepL |
Images Used Throughout this Post (Imรกgenes Usadas a lo Largo del Post) | CANVA |
Content and Original Text of my Authorship (Contenido y Texto Original de mi Autorรญa) | Grammarly |
I love those two so much and I am a fan of martial arts because those movements fascinates me. I agree with you and also think itโs a great movie. Although Iโve already watched it, your review is pushing me to watch it again.
For me, films like these will go down in history as a legacy. I understand that Jackie Chan dedicated himself fully to being a martial arts teacher and left acting, however, he is currently working on another Karate Kid story, which will be released this year, but I don't know when, I imagine at the end of the year. Thank you for stopping by and commenting! I'll send you a hug!