(ENG/SPA) TRUTH or DARE? Terror Review

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It is exciting to read reviews because it is right there that I discover powerful films that during its heyday the occupations of everyday life as studies and work did not even let me know they existed and when I see those movies is great to see that if they are great and one of them is just the one I bring today to review and recommend to all the audience that has not yet seen it.

Truth or Dare is an extremely entertaining film that you can enjoy on Netflix, the way it tells the story I liked because it keeps the interest in knowing why the deaths happen while it is inspired and connects with a game for children, teenagers and why not, also for adults where the game goes through the whole spectrum from innocent to dangerous, the film takes all of the above and adds a single ingredient that engrano solidly with the story, supernatural horror.

Es emocionante leer reseñas porque justo de allí es que descubro potentes films que durante su apogeo las ocupaciones del día a día como los estudios y trabajo no me dejaron ni siquiera enterarme de que existían y cuando veo esas películas lo genial es ver que si son buenísimas y una de ellas es justo la que traigo hoy para reseñar y recomendar a toda la audiencia que aun no la ha visto.

Truth or Dare es un film en extremo entretenido que puedes disfrutar en Netflix, el modo en que cuenta la historia me agrado porque mantiene el interés en saber por que suceden las muertes a la vez que se inspira y conecta con un juego de niños, adolescentes y porque no, también de adultos donde el juego se pasea por todo el espectro de lo inocente a lo peligroso, la película toma todo lo anterior y le agrega un único ingrediente que engrano sólidamente con la historia, el terror sobrenatural.


Something in its favor is that its horror can be seen by a large part of the audience, that is, those who are afraid of horror I think they will still enjoy it because the concept of an innocent game that is deformed to become murky and deadly is a formula that works and has proven to attract masses that are not necessarily fans of horror as a genre but to see a good story, just remember Squid Game that just uses children's games to develop its plot.

In addition to the above, I consider that this film also inspires what Smile has been, I'm sure many have seen or heard of it, so much so that I think they could be in the same universe because their stories as horror elements have a lot of analogy or flashes of equivalent narrative in both.

If the images still do not convince you to watch, I invite you to see the Trailer which has everything you need to note that this is an entertaining movie to watch and also has all the basics of horror to leave happy the viewer fan of this genre.

Algo que tiene a favor es que su Terror lo considero puede ser visto por gran parte de la audiencia, es decir, aquellos que les de miedo el terror considero que igual la disfrutaran porque el concepto juego inocente que se deforma para volverlo turbio y mortal es una fórmula que funciona y que ha demostrado atrae masas que no necesariamente son fans del terror como genero pero sí de ver una buena historia, solo recordemos Squid Game que justamente usa juegos infantiles para desarrollar su trama.

Esta película además de lo anterior, considero que también inspira lo que ha sido Smile, estoy seguro muchos la habrán visto o habrán escuchado de ella, es tanto así que considero pudieran estar en el mismo Universo porque sus historia como elemento de terror poseen mucha analogía o destellos de narrativa equivalente en ambas.

Sí las imágenes aun no terminan de convencer para poder ver, te invito a ver el Trailer el cual tiene todo lo necesario para hacer notar que esta es una entretenida película para ver y tiene además todo lo básico del terror para dejar feliz al espectador fan de este genero.


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  • It is not a predictable movie

I saw it recently and I didn't find it predictable at all, there are its typical elements of the genre but as a story it kept me in expectation, I think this will also happen with you and it will be positive because if something is criticized of horror movies is that they are very predictable but I think it is a wrong approach because in reality it is that too much is demanded of a narrative that only seeks to be entertaining while posing an attractive arc for fans of the genre.

  • The characters evolve and learn from their experiences in a coherent way

Something I liked about the film at a narrative level is that in its conclusion in the approach of the story scale and with it a paradigm shift in its protagonist that to survive can sacrifice herself but in the process all this thinking changes, it's nice to see this kind of thing because the convictions are not absolute and the characters should not walk on automatic, but rather learn from their experiences.

  • No es una película Predecible

La vi recientemente y no me pareció predecible para nada, hay sus elementos típicos del genero pero como historia me tuvo a la expectativa, pienso esto también sucederá contigo y sera positivo porque si algo se critica de las películas de terror es que son muy predecibles pero pienso que es un enfoque errado porque en realidad es que se sobre exige demasiado de una narrativa que solo busca ser entretenida mientras plantea un arco atractivo para los fanáticos del genero.

  • Los personajes evolucionan y aprenden de sus Experiencias de manera Coherente

Algo que me agrado del film a un nivel narrativo es que en su conclusión en el planteamiento de la historia escala y con ello un cambio de paradigma en su protagonista que para sobrevivir puede sacrificarse a si misma pero en el proceso todo este pensamiento cambia, es grato ver este tipo de cosas porque las convicciones no son absolutas y los personajes no deberían andar en automático, si no mas bien aprender de sus vivencias.


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  • The Villain Has Potential

This is the best thing about the film along with the childish concept of the game truth or dare, you have a villain that in itself appears little, if there is something to criticize the film is precisely this, in fact I would like more interaction from that sinister character that in its dynamic scenes makes the film interesting, in fact when the characters have direct conflict with the villain of the film, is when I see the best scenes of the film.

Horror film that has in its favor the fact that it does not bore, it is consistent with what it wants to tell us and entertains throughout the process, enjoy every death even those that included elements of forced inclusion haha.

A film that I give 7.5 out of 10 for how totally entertaining it is, it gives me some good deaths, it is creative in the villain or monster that wants to present us, an extremely sexy protagonist which is perfect in this type of genre and film that also as a choral group of victims, I perceive that they act well, if you have seen it tell me in comments what you thought and if you have not seen it yet, I invite you to see it to enjoy this good Horror movie.

  • El Villano tiene Potencial

Esto es lo mejor del film junto con el concepto infantil del juego verdad o reto, tienes un villano que en sí aparece poco, si hay algo a criticar del film es precisamente esto, de hecho quisiera mas interacción por parte de ese personaje siniestro que en su dinámica de escenas hace interesante la película, de hecho cuando los personajes tienen conflicto directo con ese villano del film, es cuando veo las mejores escenas de la película.

Película de Terror que tiene a favor el hecho de que no aburre, es coherente con lo que quiere contarnos y entretiene en todo el proceso, disfrute cada muerte hasta las que incluían elementos de inclusión forzada jaja.

Un film al que le doy 7.5 chiquitos de 10 por lo totalmente entretenida que es, me da unas buenas muertes, es creativa en el villano o monstruo que nos quiere presentar, una protagonista extremadamente sexy lo cual queda perfecto en este tipo de genero y film que ademas como grupo coral de víctimas, percibo que actúan bien, si la haz visto dime en comentarios que tal te pareció y si aun no la haz visto, te invito a verla para disfrutar de esta buena película de Horror.

I dedicate each and every one of my posts and videos to my little dog named princess, we called her chiquito, she is no longer with us but from heaven she will see that her existence was valuable and the most beautiful thing that will exist in my heart and soul.


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I just checked out the trailer. It's seems like an interesting, suspenseful film. Maybe when I'm done with seeing all the movies on my watch list, I'll see it, too.

I'm sorry about Princess.


totally recommendable, I don't know if you saw smile, I consider them both to be at the same level of entertainment 😎


Really enjoyed this movie a great deal. Although the ending part got me feeling like it was going to have a continuation later on. Nice review


That's just what I'm about to find out, it seemed to have a great continuation but left very high what could come as a sequel for the global concept, I think it was not made sequel because they themselves complicated there too much the story to be global but it is still powerful the end by how that curse scales, quite entertaining movie and a beautiful protagonist 😎


I loved Truth or Dare when I watched it sometime ago. And you're so right when you say just about anybody can watch it. Horror lovers and non-horror lovers. A masterpiece the drama is