The Silence of the Lambs - Opinion [Eng - Esp]

Hello friends of Cinetv, when I saw this film in 1991, it had a huge impact on me. Hopkins was already one of the greats of the screen with such memorable performances that there would be no room to put them... Foster had already had some very good ones, but he still had some of his great ones that he has given us in these 40 years... Scott Glenn is simply a magnificent supporting actor who is hard to see a bad performance from... but Jonathan Demme's work is the best of his career and possibly of all the 90s in the thriller industry... it is a film that improves an already excellent book... that uses sublime dialogues and close-ups of the characters that literally scare you. A careful photography... elaborate changes of shot... and a story of a villain hero is created that feeds back minute by minute... shot by shot... But none of this would have been like this if the murderer had not been played by Ted Levine... what a successful career this actor has!
Hola amigos de Cinetv, cuando vi esta película en 1991, me impactó sobremanera. Hopkins ya era uno de los grandes de la pantalla con actuaciones tan memorables que no habría sitio para ponerlas... Foster ya venía de algunas muy buenas, pero aún le quedaban algunas de sus grandes que nos ha dado en estos 40 años posteriores... Scott Gleenn simplemente es un magnífico actor secundario que cuesta verle una mala interpretación... pero el trabajo de Jonathan Demme es lo mejor de su carrera y posiblemente de todos los 90 en la industria de los una cinta que mejora un libro ya de por sí excelente... que usa unos diálogos sublimes y unos primeros planos de los personajes que literalmente te asustan. Una fotografía cuidada... unos cambios de plano elaborados... y se crea una historia de un villano héroe que se retroalimenta minuto a minuto... plano a plano... ¡Pero nada de esto habría sido así si el asesino no hubiera sido interpretado por Ted Le vine... qué carrera de éxitos tiene este actor!
Personally, I warn you not to go in with high expectations if you think this movie is a horror movie, it's more of a mystery police movie, but what the movie does well is generate that doubt and overwhelm the viewer with the events that take place and unite the ties through the story of the movie, Clarice Starling's character is a character that is simply perfect and that shows how well written a role can be for a woman, besides choosing Jodie Foster was the best choice and what to say about Hannibal, although he appears little time on screen, that little time is also the best, the scenes, the shots that show us a concern to be with a subject like him, besides the escape scene is one that will freeze your blood, without a doubt a movie from the nineties that you can't miss.
Personalmente, les aviso que no vayan con altas expectativas si piensan que está película es una de horror más que todo es un policial de misterio, pero lo que hace bien la película es generar esa duda y abrumar al espectador con los sucesos que cobran y unen los lazos a través de la historia de la película, El personaje de Clarice Starling es un personaje que simplemente es perfecta y que demuestra lo bien escrito que puede ser un papel para una mujer además que elegir a Jodie Foster fue la mejor elección y que decir de hannibal si bien aparece poco tiempo en pantalla ese poco tiempo también son los mejores las escenas los planos que nos demuestran una inquietud estar con un sujeto como él además que la escena del escape es una que te helara la sangre sin duda una peli de los noventa que no te puedes perder.
I recommend watching it before watching the Clarice series, it is not necessary to understand it, but the continuity that the first chapter of the series achieves with the original work is amazing, which includes filming scenes from the film again with a fidelity and detail that is exciting. The story of The Silence of the Lambs, which is what it is originally called, is that of an FBI agent in training who seeks the help and advice of a brilliant assassin in order to capture another assassin, Dr. Hannibal Lecter, a psychiatrist who is also a violent and cannibalistic psychopath.
Recomiendo verla antes de ver la serie Clarice, no es necesario para entenderla, pero la continuidad que logra el primer capítulo de la serie con la obra original es asombrosa, lo que incluye filmar otra vez escenas de la película con una fidelidad y un detallismo que emociona. La historia del silencio de los corderos que es como se llama originalmente es la de un agente en entrenamiento del FBI que busca la ayuda y consejo de un brillante asesino para poder capturar a otro asesino, el doctor Hannibal Lecter, un psiquiatra que también es un psicópata violento y antropófago.
It is a film that caused me a lot of concern when the psychopath Hannibal Lecter was introduced, since the shot was quite close and the actor Anthony Hopkins executed the dialogues masterfully. His face also penetrated my gaze all the time. In addition, another thing that I highlight is that Agent Starling is shown as a clever and brave woman who earns recognition for her effort, which is demonstrated in each scene and especially in the final confrontation. Until next contact.
Es una película que me causó mucha inquietud cuando se presentaba el psicópata Hannibal Lecter, ya que el plano era bastante cercano y el actor Anthony Hopkins ejecutaba los diálogos de forma magistral. También su semblante penetraba mi mirada todo el tiempo. Además, otra cosa que resalto es que se muestra a la agente Starling como una mujer astuta y valiente que se gana los reconocimientos por su esfuerzo, el cual es demostrado en cada escena y mayormente en el enfrentamiento final. Hasta un próximo contacto.

You saw it last in 1991 and still remember so much about the movie or did you watch it again recently?
I like that it didn't have much to expect from it but still made an impact in you to have to review it after all these while.
Nice review.
Hello, it was the first time I saw it, I have always been a fan of psychopaths and serial killers, I like human behavior and how powerful the mind is. In those years this police genre was in fashion, I also like Anthony Hopkins as an actor, the film he is in, he is synonymous with excellence or at least his performance, I have also seen the saga that was made after this film. Thanks for commenting.
Oh that's interesting to know!
Will have to check out Anthony Hopkins, the actor name seem familiar hehe.
You're welcome