Reseña del film "Lily in Love" (1984) [ESP / ENG]

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Nota de la autora: La siguiente reseña puede contener spoilers. La traducción al inglés fue realizado con la ayuda de Deepl Translator.

Author's note: The following review may contain spoilers. The English translation was made with the aid of Deepl Translator.

Captura de pantalla realizada por mí y editada con Canva / Screenshot made by me and edited with Canva

Español [English bellow]

En una noche otoñal, una mujer sale de su departamento en un rico barrio de Nueva York y aborda un automóvil, con dirección a Broadway. Mientras tanto, en uno de los tantos teatros de la zona, una obra de teatro termina, con el protagonista diciendo de forma sarcástica que a él le encanta su propia compañía.

La gente aplaude. El actor, Fitzroy Wynn, lanza un pequeño discurso en donde presenta al creador de lo que él considera uno de los guiones más brillantes de su carrera: su propia esposa, Lily.

Así inicia el film Lily in love, una producción húngaro-estadounidense dirigida por Károly Makk y protagonizada por Christopher Plummer y Maggie Smith. Un film que, a mi parecer, nos muestra un matrimonio en medio de una crisis debido a la altivez y enorme ego de Fitz (Christopher Plummer), y a la poca tolerancia de Lily (Maggie Smith) respecto a ese detalle de la personalidad de su marido.

Y Lily tenía muchísima razón para ya estar hasta el coco de su marido. La altivez de su marido lo ha llevado a creer que es el mejor actor de todos los tiempos... Cuando en realidad ya ha hecho uno que otro traspié; aún cuando su esposa, quien estaba a punto de producir su propia película junto con un amigo mutuo, Jerry Silber (Adolph Green), le explica que ella prefiere a un actor más joven, que pueda transmitir un carácter dulce, afable, y amable, Fitz estaba convencido de que él es el indicado para el papel. Tan convencido estaba que, con ayuda de Jerry, se convierte en el supuesto actor italiano Roberto Terranova, un hombre rubio que transmite todas las cualidades que Lily busca, hasta el grado de enamorarla con su propio personaje.

Lo que me encantó de este filme particularmente es el retrato realista de un matrimonio en crisis, marcado por la rutina y el choque de personalidades opuestas que, a mi parecer, han ido cambiando con el paso de los años. Así mismo, considero al film una fábula sobre hasta qué grado una persona, por ego, soberbia, orgullo y egoísmo, es capaz de llegar con tal de obtener algo que saben que quizás no lo harían bien o que no son los más indicados. Las acciones de Fitz son una muestra de ello; no consideró la opinión de nadie, ni de su esposa ni del propio Jerry, sino que se encerró en sí mismo al embarcarse en lo que podría considerarse un fraude de proporciones épicas solo para alimentar su ego.

Las actuaciones de Plummer y Smith fueron excelentes; entre ambos había mucha química, y eso hace que el espectador se concentre en ellos, en sus acciones, en sus sentimientos. Es un film que recomiendo muchísimo si quieres hacer una maratón de cine ochentero, en donde combines de todo un poco.


On an Autumn night, a woman leaves her apartment in a wealthy New York City neighborhood and boards a car, headed for Broadway. Meanwhile, in one of the many theaters in the area, a play ends, with the protagonist sarcastically saying that he loves his own company.

The crowd applauds. The actor, Fitzroy Wynn, gives a short speech introducing the creator of what he considers one of the most brilliant screenplays of his career: his own wife, Lily.

This is how starts the film Lily in love, a Hungarian-American production directed by Károly Makk and starred by Christopher Plummer and Maggie Smith. A film that, in my opinion, shows us a marriage in crisis due to Fitz's (Christopher Plummer) haughtiness and enormous ego, and Lily's (Maggie Smith) lack of tolerance for this detail of her husband's personality.

And Lily has a lot of reason to be so tired of her husband. Her husband's haughtiness led him to believe that he's the best actor of all time... When in reality he made one and other mistake; even when his wife, who was about to produce her own film along with a mutual friend, Jerry Silber (Adolph Green), explains to him that she prefers a younger actor who can convey a sweet, affable, and kind character, Fitz was convinced that he's the one for the part. So convinced was he that, with Jerry's help, he becomes the supposed Italian actor Roberto Terranova, a blond man who conveys all the qualities Lily is looking for, to the point of making her fall in love with his own character.

What I loved of this film is the realistic portrait of a marriage in crisis, marked by the routine and the clash of opposed personalities that, in my opinion, have been changing over the years. Likewise, I consider the film a fable about how far a person, out of ego, arrogance, pride and selfishness, is capable of doing something in order to obtain something that they know they might not do well or that they aren't the most suitable. Fitz's actions are indicative of this; he didn't consider anyone's opinion, neither his wife nor Jerry himself, but rather he turned in on himself by embarking on what could be considered a fraud of epic proportions just to feed his ego.

Plummer and Smith's acting were excellent; there was a lot of chemistry between them, and that makes the viewer focus on them, on their actions, on their feelings. It's a film that I highly recommend if you want to do a marathon of 80's cinema, where you combine a little bit of everything.

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Marriage on the rocks! Looks like it’ll be a good film. Added to watch list. I like realistic elements added to movies


Believe me, it's a very interesting film, of those that you enjoy, even stopping the play and screaming to the guy "you fool! why you did that?!", seriously, this is one of the reactions I had while I was watching the film. Hugs and greetings, @brosonleo !


It's always wonderful when movies try to incorporate a bit more reality into their depictions of marriage. Lovely recommendation. Thanks for sharing!


You're welcome, @cinetv ! These kind of movies really made you think how far can a person go in order to achieve their goal, no matter the motives (in Fitz case, the ego itself). Hugs and greetings!


Buen relato 🥰


¡Muchas gracias, @americaru ! En verdad te la recomiendo muchísimo; el único detalle es que está en inglés cuando lo vi, pero igual quizás sería fácil de encontrar en español. ¡Saludos y abrazos, mi estimada!