[ENG|ESP] My favourite characters in Shingeki no Kyojin
What’s up, anime fans?
Many of us here agree that Shingeki no Kyojin is a very successful anime, and one of the reasons for that is the intriguing cast of characters the series has, for that reason I want to talk about my favorite soldiers from this piece of fiction, created by Hajime Isayama, I’m warning you now: there may be some spoilers.

I’ll start by talking about the beloved Sasha Blouse, a very charismatic girl that made us laugh a lot with her crazy antics, especially with her obsessive love for food, but that’s not the only reason why I personally liked her, Sasha can be clumsy but she is competent when the situation requires it, some examples are the crucial moments when she saved the girl from the titan in her hometown in the second season, and during the first attack against Marley.
Another reason why she is among my favorite characters is because she gave a lighthearted tone that helped alleviate the series darker tones that mainly focus on the tragedy aspects of the story.

Have you ever disliked a character at first that you start liking later on as your empathy for said character increases? Well, that’s what happened to me with Reiner Braun, at first, I saw him as a guy who callously betrayed his comrades in Paradis and I couldn't believe he would do such a horrible thing, I was very angry and I hoped for any other character to give him what he deserved. But something I wasn't expecting happened, I stopped disliking him once his background story was revealed to us and the series showed who he truly was.
His story as a child soldier, the rejection he suffered all his life from his father and the moment when he almost ended it all because he thought of himself as a failure, or the moment when he confessed to Jean that he was the one responsible for the death of his best friend, those were some of the moments that moved me and made me change my perspective about this character that ended up having more depth than I expected. All these twists made him an interesting character and that’s why Reiner is on this list.

It may surprise some that the next character on this list is Gabi Braun, I know a lot of people in the fandom don’t really like her because she is the one who ended another beloved character’s life, I’m not going to say who that was to avoid spoilers. Well, the thing is that Gabi is my favorite female character of Shingeki no Kyojin because she is the one with the most interesting development from the female side of the cast.
During her first appearances Gabi represented the worst aspects of people who are brainwashed into extremist ideologies, something that happens a lot with Internet communities in the modern day. After some point, Gabi changes her views in a way that amazed me, especially because she regretted her actions and learned to let go of the hate that she felt towards Eldians to make peace with the people who she once believed to be her enemies, besides I like her dynamic with Falco, in fact I think they make a much coherent and interesting couple than Eren and Mikasa, I’m sorry but I don’t like the toxicity of this pairing. Anyways, I think Gabi is a cool character.

Since I started watching Shingeki no Kyojin for the first time back in 2014, Jean Kirschtein was a character that seemed very interesting to me for many reasons, first of all, he acted in a very human way, more so than the rest of the trainees of Paradis. Secondly, I really liked that despite the fact that he liked Mikasa but she didn't like him back, he never acted in annoying way towards her like other anime characters do, he didn't harass her and he didn't humiliate himself for her approval either, Jean always had integrity and self-love.
He also showed his leadership skills by becoming a competent squad leader and making a very difficult choice, forgiving his worst enemies. Not to mention that he is one of the few characters who has aspirations of his own outside of the militaristic setting, like having a family and the wish to live a normal life. In conclusion, he is a character with a consistent and well-developed arc.

The character at the top of this list is no other than Levi Ackerman, a character that to the surprise of many, I didn't like very much at first, I thought he was just an overpowered dude that liked to act mysterious and who always accomplished everything perfectly. But when the series revealed more information about his past, showing that he was a delinquent orphan who had to live a life of crime to survive in the slums of Paradis and the exploration of his complex relationship with his uncle Kenny. I have to admit by the end of it, I was very stunned by the character.
When it comes to his personality, I like that Levi is not a guy who wastes time playing around, he makes complex decisions and is always trying to act in a pragmatic way, but still genuinely cares deep inside for his comrades. Other things I liked about this character were his epics encounters with the Beast Titan. The truth is that to me both Jean and Levi are the best written characters in the series, so either one of them could have ended up on the top spot of this list.

That’s it, everyone. Now I would like to know: what do you think? Which characters are your favorites in this fascinating work from Isayama? 😎
¿Qué tal fanáticos del anime?
Creo nuchos de nosotros estaremos de acuerdo en que este anime fue muy exitoso gracias su interesante elenco de personajes, por ese motivo quiero contarles quienes son mis soldados favoritos de obra creada por Hajime Isayama, eso sí les aviso que habrá algunos Spoilers.

Comenzaré hablando de la querida Sasha Blouse, una chica muy carismática que me hizo reír mucho por algunas de las divertidas situaciones en las que se veía envuelta debido a su exagerado amor por la comida, pero ella no me agrada solamente por eso ya que también tiene un carácter alegre y bondadoso y además a pesar de su naturaleza un poco torpe demostró ser competente en varios momentos cruciales de la serie, como cuando logra salvar a una niña de un titán en su pueblo natal durante la segunda temporada o durante el primer ataque a la nación de Marley.
Otro motivo por el que ella está entre mis personajes preferidos, es que siempre la vi como un alivio esperanzador que se contrapone a los temas trágicos y más oscuros que predominan en el mundo de Shingeki no Kyojin.

¿Alguna vez les ha desagradado mucho un personaje y después cuando avanza la historia sienten empatía por él o ella? Bueno eso me pasó a mí con Reiner Braun, primero cuando vi como este muchacho traicionó a sus camaradas en Paradis no lo podía creer y me molesté bastante, de hecho desde ese momento solo imaginaba que alguien iba darle su merecido más adelante. Sin embargo ocurrió lo que menos espera y deje de sentir ese desprecio por él cuándo se reveló quien era realmente.
Para empezar su historia como niño soldado, el rechazo que sufrió toda su vida por parte de su padre, el momento donde estuvo a punto de suicidarse por considerarse asimismo un fracasado o la vez que confiesa que él fue responsable de la muerte del mejor amigo de Jean, fueron algunos de los aspectos que más me conmovieron de su desarrollo y es que se convirtió en un personaje más profundo de lo que yo imaginaba, así que por todos esos giros interesantes Reiner se ganó este puesto en mi top.

Puede que algunos les sorprenda que haya incluido a Gabi Braun en esta lista, ya que he notado que es un personaje que no le agrada mucho al fandom de este anime, principalmente porque ella acabó con la vida otro personaje muy querido, no voy a decir de quién se trata para no hacer demasiado spoiler. Bueno el caso es que Gabi es mi personaje femenino favorito de Shingeki no Kyojin porque considero que tiene el desarrollo más interesante de todas las chicas de este anime.
En sus primeras apariciones Gabi para mi representa lo perjudicial que puede ser cuando alguien se deja influenciar por cualquier ideología extremista, algo que se ha vuelto común en muchas comunidades de internet en la actualidad. Luego llega un punto en el que Gabi sufre un cambio en su personalidad que me dejó asombrado, principalmente porque se arrepiente de sus acciones y decide dejar todo ese odio que siente hacia los Eldianos de lado, para hacer las paces con los que ella creía que eran sus enemigos. Aparte de eso me gusta mucho la dinámica que ella tiene con su compañero Falco, de hecho pienso que ellos son una pareja que se complementa de una forma mucho más coherente e interesante que Eren y Mikasa, lo siento mucho pero a mí no me agradan las parejas toxicas. En fin Gabi me parece un personaje genial.

Desde que comencé a ver Shingeki no Kyojin por primera vez allá por el año 2014, Jean Kirschtein me pareció un personaje muy interesante por varias razones, primero considero que se comporta de una forma más humanizada que el resto de los cadetes de Paradis. Segundo me agradó que aunque él este enamorado de Mikasa y ella no le corresponda, nunca se puso abusivo con ella o la acosó como otros personajes de otros animes, además tampoco se humillo para buscar su aprobación, ya que Jean siempre mantuvo su integridad y amor propio.
También me gustó que él demostrará ser un líder de escuadrón competente y que fuese capaz de perdonar a quienes fueron sus peores enemigos, eso sin mencionar que es uno de los pocos personajes de este anime que tiene ideales personales que van más allá de su rol como militar, como cuando sueña con tener una vida normal y formar una familia. Definitivamente creo que es un personaje con una historia muy consistente y bien elaborada.

En el primer puesto he colocado nada más y nada menos que a Levi Ackerman, un personaje que para sorpresa de algunos en un principio a mi no me agradaba mucho, debido a que yo pensaba que era simplemente un tipo overpowered que se hacia el misterioso y que todo le salía bien. Sin embargo cuando en la serie se revela más información sobre su pasado, mostrando que era un huérfano que se dedicaba a delinquir en los peores barrios de Paradise para poder sobrevivir o la compleja relación que tiene con su tío Kenny, yo simplemente quede muy sorprendido.
En cuanto a personalidad me agrada mucho que Levi, sea un tipo que no ande con tonterías ante situaciones complicadas y que siempre actúe de forma pragmática, además en el fondo es alguien que siente genuino aprecio por sus camaradas, otro aspecto que me gusta sobre su participación en el desarrollo de la serie son los épicos encontronazos que tiene con el Titan Bestia. La verdad es que tanto Levi como Jean me parecen los mejores personajes de este anime, así que tranquilamente hubiese podido colocar a cualquiera de los en este primer puesto de mi top.

En fin eso fue todo gente, ahora me gustaría saber ¿Que piensan ustedes? ¿Cuáles son sus personajes preferidos de esta fascinante obra creada por Isayama? 😎
Hello @satoru-raiden , I agree with you in almost all animes an unpleasant character appears but as you get to know him or her your way of thinking about him or her changes haha I spend a lot with Naruto or samurai x, I know they are old animes but they are the ones I remember right now :D
good post. regards :D
Hi Karina, I'm glad we share the same opinion, I watched Samurai X and Naruto several years ago, they are interesting classic anime shows.
Thanks for stopping by!
I got comfortable to read your blog, but when you said there may be spoilers, I had to stop haha.
I haven't started watching this series yet xd
Cheers and good blog anyway.
Sorry for that, I feel more freedom explaining my points with spoilers haha. Anyway, I highly recommend you to watch this anime, is really cool.
Thanks for stopping by!
Good choice. One of the things I like about this Isayama's work is the depth of each character, that's something I always applaud.
I agree that Jean and Levi are tremendous characters, but as far as I'm concerned Commander Erwin was also one of the best. There are a lot of them actually, cheers
Yeah, I also think he did a remarkable job with almost all characters.
I initially wanted to add Erwin and a few others characters to the list, but then I realized that the post could be too long. So maybe for a second part xD
Thanks for stopping by!
I like Levi too! He is a badass.
I also know a character who I disliked at first but later realiythta it is loveable and wan no anyother but (no face ) from Ghibli studio I met him first time in the movie "spirited away".
I didn't like him at first cuz it seems boring as he don't take just lure everyone with gold standing silent infront of others. But later I realised that I can relate with him. No face symbolise introverts who also want to be engaged with others but are afraid always and keep their talents hidden due to their introversion.
Well, your choice is really nice that character of Shasha Blouse was like a piece of peace in the dark atmosphere of the movie.
Yhp, Levi Ackerman all the way!
The interesting thing is that I've watching Attack on Titan, but I've never known the Japanse Title was this. So when I saw the title, in my head, I was like " Wait a minute, isn't this attack on Titan?"
I hated Reina after finding out who he was. I still hate him honestly. But if I'm being honest, his Titan is my favorite Titan of the 7. A true beast!
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