The last three movies I watched

We usually don't watch television for several reasons, one of which is the lack of time. Also, we devote enough (and too much) part of the day to other screens that surround us so watching TV has become completely pointless to us. However, there is one interesting film program that airs on Friday evenings at 10:00 p.m. on the rtve (Radiotelevisión Española - Spanish Radio and Television). That program, Historia de nuestro Cine - The History of Our Cinema, is an exception in our TV-watching habits. That is the moment when the cinema visits our home and we kindly welcome it with our attention.
The director and host of this program is Elena S. Sánchez. I must confess that she is doing excellent work while bringing guests to her show (actors, film directors, managers, producers, film critics etc...) enriching the experience with eloquent questions and thought-provoking topics before a movie starts.
The last three movies we watched made a great impression on us so I decided to bring them today to Hive. One note, but a very important one - this program brings just Spanish movies, so don't expect famous Hollywood blockbuster movies.
Mar adentro (The Sea Inside)

This movie was presented in this TV program three weeks ago, on 1 March 2024. The film is based on real events from the life of a man who opened a taboo topic in Spain. Euthanasia. He was Ramón Sampedro and he fought for 28 years for his own right to die. Living a whole life in the bed, without the ability to move can't be easy for the person who suffered an accident as young, but it can't be easy for his family either. His brother and his family gave up on their own lifestyle and dedicated all their time to taking care of him. His desire to die was not easy to accept by the others... This topic is still so difficult to talk about and give an objective opinion...

He suffered but his family suffered also. A constant fight for life, does it make sense for a man who can't move already for three decades? How his efforts to legalize euthanasia finished can be seen in the movie, if you are strong enough to watch it. The great cast that brings you this thought-provoking topic is Javier Bardem, Belén Rueda, Lola Dueñas... This drama was directed by Alejandro Amenábar and released in 2004.


A week ago, on 8 March we got to see another drama based on a true story. It was very intense and showed a lot of love and willingness of mothers from one town in Galicia (a part of Spain) to fight for their children who were involved in drugs.
This brave mother, Pilar, had to face many challenges in her own family too, defending her son who was an addict but also in society. It can bring some real life-threatening dangers when you want to fight drug dealers and it can even bring trouble to your own son who is spending years in prison... Mothers never give up on their children and find strength and determination to keep on the battle even if addiction and drugs are not easy subjects at all.

El habitante incierto (The Uninvited Guest)

The Uninvited Guest was on our screen yesterday evening. I loved it because of the genre (thriller, home invasion, psychological drama) and because of the topic it covered. Directed by Guillem Morales, this movie makes you check thoroughly whether someone is hiding under your bed or in the closet. What if someone lives in your house and you don't know if it is for real or just the fruit of your fantasy...? And if the house is big, the search for the uninvited guest can drive you crazy.

In the majority of moments our protagonist is certain that an individual has sneaked into his house, stalking his life and habits, but he is unable to find the intruder. His mental and emotional imbalance after his girlfriend left him does not help him think calmly and vulnerability and losing control are inevitable. He hears noises and sees the presence of strange things, he feels that someone is observing him but from being a victim of this circumstance things change drastically at one point in the story.

Although there was an unexpected development of the screenplay the home-invasion subject didn't leave at all. Moreover, it intensified but from the opposite perspective but I don't want to reveal too much. If you like this thriller genre I recommend watching it (Spanish-speaking users have an advantage here as I don't know whether the movie can be found subtitled in English).

Suggestion - watch it in the dark, as we did! And don't forget to check your home after watching the movie. 😁
All the images in this post are screenshots I made from the TV show History of Our Cinema and the three movies they broadcast.
Thanks for the honest reviews
I’d watch in the dark and also with my man, lol
Lol, I can't really relate with the fact of watching movie with someone because I sometimes fall asleep but will try it one these are actually great movies that would give someone all the fun and lovely time one wants to get. It's a great review and I will try checking it out.
I also used to fall asleep, in those times I still watched more movies. But the interesting thing is that if it is a thriller or drama I don't fall asleep 😉
Well, I feel those drama movies are entertaining because it's different from just a random war movie or other genre. Lol
Televisions in a way, have practically become pointless. I can relate a whole lot... I spend most of my time in a day doing things, school work, chores and random stuff and barely have enough time to sleep talk less of sitting down in front of a television and feed my eyes with a show or something. Don't get me wrong,I do enjoy watching movies. I'm amazed by how wonderful your review was. You talked about three movies in less than 1k words, that's really nice. Your summarizing and review skills are 🔥
That's similar to how I am spending my days too, a lot of work and tasks, but a nice movie at least once a week is good! Hahaha, I am not good in reviews as there is always a risk to make a spoiler, so the less I say it's better hahaha 🤣
I really liked these recommendations and as you will know me... I think you will realise that the last one attracts me, I love that mystery, it's not horror but it's mysterious and that's what I like the most. I don't watch a lot of films at the moment, but I used to.
Thanks for these recommendations, I'll keep them in mind!😘
Now you know, it is on Fridays at 10 pm en La rtve 2 😉
Last week the program was hosted in Málaga because of the festival 😃
I hardly ever watch TV, but that's very useful information hahaha thank you beautiful!❤️
The same no TV watching habits rule in our home, but I think it was my husband who got interested in Spanish movies on the tv, and I used to be on Hive watching the tv with one eye 😂 but now I enjoy these Friday evening movie breaks
Here the family days are Thursdays, because my brother has the day off... Thursdays are series or movies... hahaha good night!!!!😃
I will call the director of rtve and ask whether the show can be on Thursdays then 😁
🤣🤣🤣Friday's case would be for me alone hahaha.
Hi dear @mipiano, I'm glad for this coincidence.
Yes, we definitely spend a lot of time in front of screens, I stopped watching regular tv but I can't stay away from the cinema, every week I watch movies because it's my escape time from my reality.
That program is very interesting, I'm going to look for it and your movies are very good, especially the euthanasia one, very interesting. Thanks for sharing greetings.
Once a week for a good movie is great. I trust the director of this show to choose the films we are watching on Friday evenings haha. Screens - we should reduce it a bit... or not 😂
Excelente post amiga.
Gracias 🎥
A la orden amiga. Feliz sábado.
The three movies sounds interesting. But I like the first one. Though Im sure it is painful to watch too, just base on the theme of it.
Anyways been too long since I last watch on TV. I have phone now so id rather just watch in there than in a TV. But what's good in watching in a TV is that, it is much wider and bigger unlike with our mobile. Some people still prefer watching on TV though.
I have to confess that I have never watched a movie on the phone 😳
The screen I spend the most time with is the screen of my laptop, though it was not the case a few years ago... things changed when I arrived at Hive :D
The first movie touches on a difficult topic, indeed.
Very interesting your proposals, I will try to see them. Suggestive the subject of drugs. Here now they are broadcasting a novel with that theme. Mothers suffer a lot and the family in general. Thanks for your suggestion. Have a nice weekend. 🥰🤗❤️
Every Friday we get some interesting films to watch and think about in this TV program. I am glad you liked these proposals, Mamani. Thank you, and I hope your weekend was a good one 😉
🥰🤗🌹Good week and new successes.
Aquí tenemos un programa de televisión llamado historia del cine ,y se ocupa de poner películas clásicas... me parece que aquí ya pusieron la del hombre y la Eutanasia...
Ah, sí? Es tan similar el nombre del programa entonces. Lo que pasa que en este emiten solo películas españolas (bueno, hasta ahora he visto solo de España - pero es cierto que no seguía antes el programa) 😅
Televisions in most homes are really becoming more of a home fitting. You did a great job reviewing the 3 movies, they all seem like great movies one can see, especially the first one 'Mar Adentro'.
Thanks. Well, these were the last three weeks, they also had different films but somehow those based on true stories (the first two movies) are important topics.
Hello beautiful lady
I came to check-in. I hope you're well!
Glad I found this in time to share. The Uninvited Guest sounds really good!
I mean... they all sound really good.
But that one in particular is original. Clever!
Happy weekend. 🌻
Hello there, Lady D Nicky 😉
I am coping with life well, sometimes less well, and other times perfectly well hahaha
and at your side? 🌞
Good to hear :)
I'm super duper, thanks!
Busy finsihing off an art project. Tick! Almost... and I'm very excited about it.
Missing writing! But I need to clear my projects because I do like to finish things now.
Friend in from Berlin who is a bestie and will be making the most of time with her for the next few days.
I'll be back. Always <3
Enjoy the time with your bestie, those days will be different and special! ✨
And also I wish you a lot of strength to finish your projects 🤓
There are times when we have to set priorities. I mean we should, but I am not good at that I think 🤦♀
Nowadays everyone is watching movies on netflix in the same way, so I haven't seen these movies yet, so I will try to watch them.
If you know Spanish, as they are Spanish movies
I will look for these movies (thriller especially). I'm surprised I haven't watched it until now, because I watched all the Spanish thrillers I could find 😀... I stopped watching Hollywood movies en masse a long time ago (I don't count Marvel production as a movie production...), I watch some with recommendations... from the moment I discovered films from the Spanish-speaking area (thrillers and some comedies), all the others are kind of bland to me...
Oh, you switched to Spanish movies? That's cool. Do you watch them with subtitles or you can understand Spanish? My way to learn Spanish was reading books and now movies
Only with subtitles 🙂
I understand some simple swear words and some general words: son, daughter, mom, dad, house...😆
My wife's sister went to Spanish language courses, and when we were in Barcelona, she couldn't translate a word (Catalan 😆).
That's why I wouldn't bother, I enjoy the plot of the movies (and thrillers are tricky to watch anyway...).
A very touching story from the film you have watched, maybe everyone would prefer to die sooner if they can no longer move like that, especially since it's been 3 decades, and the problem is that we as a family also don't want the person who we love must die even though he is permanently disabled, this is a film that is full of emotion and very touching when watched
Yes, it is indeed a touching story and shows a hard decision. We can't really judge on that, in favour of one or the other side, unless we walk in the same shoes...
Hopefully we and our families will be kept away from all danger