Movies & TV Shows Community Highlight #887

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Hello! As part of our ongoing efforts to improve both interaction and curation in the Movies and TV Shows Community, this post is one of many to highlight and boost members of the past week that have posted what we believe is exceptional content.

The Details

Each week, our Moderators will monitor the posts within the Movies and TV Shows Community and handpick the ones that are believed to stand out under numerous factors: post quality, length, and subject.

There are no entry requirements, and this is not a contest, but simply a roundup intended to provide additional exposure to all of you for your efforts. Just have fun posting in the Movies & TV Shows Community and five or more posts will be chosen frequently.


Author: @edwarlyn11

Review ||EL ÚLTIMO VAGÓN|| Netflix drama movie (2023)

I think this title is one of the most beautiful I've seen, not only in history and acting but in reflection and teaching, because it is about the importance of education, especially the important role that teachers and educators have in the formation of both young and older generations, because for knowledge you don't need age, only the desire to learn.


Author: @danielcarrerag

Monkey Man: Mythology , Action, and Social criticism - Dev Patel Shines

What was new and innovative for me as a Westerner was the parallelism of the protagonist's story with Hindu mythology, something totally new and unknown. The story of the main character played by Dev Patel, Kid, wears a monkey mask in clandestine fights and at times has memories of his childhood with his mother learning about the monkey god Hanuman.


Author: @jcrodriguez

Bastarden | Film Review

Man has always been territorial. This story, which had its real basis, also occurred in a similar way in many places since time immemorial. Seizing the land, its riches. People who risk their lives to fulfill their dreams. Others who see their position, their comforts, their wealth threatened. Ambition and the demonstration of who has the power. It has been our ancestral behavior. Every day we live this kind of problems, either in our workplace, in our neighborhood, in our city, in the countryside. It is part of our nature, that is why I am not optimistic about projections and advice for equality, peace and living in harmony. That is nothing more than a dream.


Author: @josehany

Inside Out 2 | Movie Review

I really liked the movie because it really teleports you back in time, you start to remember when you were a teenager and all the stupid things you did at first to get someone to like you or to try to fit in somewhere because you didn't want to be alone, until we were a little bit stable or we knew it was what we wanted. On the other hand, the animations are well done, the characters express their emotions very well, it was quite comical, innocent and realistic because we have felt all the emotions that Riley goes through, even more so the fact of worrying about the future being so young. For example, thinking about not having friends, are things that mortify us as children. I really liked it quite a bit and I left the cinema with a feeling of relief, like something in me healed after watching that movie.


Author: @divergente1

Shutter Island movie summary || Resumen de la Película La Isla Siniestra

And although the doctors only say that there are only 66 patients some clues and events that happen throughout the story make us see that not only is in a psychiatric hospital but the doctors hide information, make procedures and experiments against the health of patients and that is why the protagonist is sure that this patient # 67 is Andrew Laeddis.


Author: @jessuses1381

Review: Tár | An Immersive Film Experience with Classical Music and Intense Drama

The professionalism of the director is very noticeable, for example the opening shot of this film sets the tone of the film in an excellent way, and also introduces more symbols that you soon discover will be explored later on... Surely there are many more hidden details, it can be interesting to try to find them, so surely if you want to watch this film more than once, you will surely notice some of them.


Author: @davidpena21

Inside Out 2 | Review

It allows us to identify with many parts of this film, because in the end we are all human beings and we have those emotions, which one of those parts is when you want to practice or do any activity and you know you have a lot of talent, but anxiety, insecurity wins and many thoughts are created, leading to abandon many things, as happens to this little girl in the film. Another important thing is that you have to accept yourself as you are and no matter what others say, otherwise it will be a big headache, that's why you are unique, and in the end you learn from your mistakes.


Author: @cristiancaicedo

One Fine Morning (2022): as life itself | como la vida misma

In that first conversation we understand several things that take us from one emotional extreme to another. Because Clément seems nice and if Sandra doesn't have a partner... something may arise; but then we found out that Sandra is alone because she's a widow, Clément knew her husband and he himself is in a relationship for years that has given him two wonderful girls... so we thought that, well, Sandra could use someone to talk to and support her during these difficult times.



Beverly Hills Cop: Axel F - Movie Review!

The plot is bad, that is, it's anything, it's the flattest thing you can imagine. When it's introduced you already know what's going to happen, who the bad guys are, there's no room for surprise, no interesting plot twists, everything is incredibly linear from beginning to end. This led me to think that the idea behind this film is none other than nostalgic and if it's not that I honestly don't see the point. Because yes, the nostalgic thing is felt: the way Foley dresses, there are almost all the mythical characters of the saga, there are scenes that were recreated to be exactly the same as those of 30 years ago and I think even the jokes, dialogues and interactions seek to remind us of those films.



Congratulations to everyone that was chosen, and thank you to everyone posting in Movies and TV Shows! We look forward to the next report and highlighting even more of you.

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