Movies & TV Shows Community Highlight #893
Hello! As part of our ongoing efforts to improve both interaction and curation in the Movies and TV Shows Community, this post is one of many to highlight and boost members of the past week that have posted what we believe is exceptional content.
The Details
Each week, our Moderators will monitor the posts within the Movies and TV Shows Community and handpick the ones that are believed to stand out under numerous factors: post quality, length, and subject.
There are no entry requirements, and this is not a contest, but simply a roundup intended to provide additional exposure to all of you for your efforts. Just have fun posting in the Movies & TV Shows Community and five or more posts will be chosen frequently.
Author: @mmckinneyphoto13

Nick Cage is being passed over for large movie roles and finds himself struggling as an actor as the movie begins.He is having hallucinations of his younger self from his more successful days who taunts and torments him. His relationship with his wife and daughter are also struggling, as he often seems more interested in his own likes and having his family appreciate them rather than having an interest in who they are as a person.
Author: @erit.ahama

A bit of the storyline goes like this... A second ranking gangster who is eager to learn and have a school certificate had a bad day and took a ride out, he found a school boy about to take his life. The gangster in an attempt to save the boy got his spirit switched to the boy and the gangster lost his body to death on the spot there. His spirit wakes up in the body of the school boy he tried to save. He is made to live as the boy who turned out to be a victim of bullying, he decided to change things in the gangster way.
Author: @annacarstairs

I like the color palette even though red always predominates as the color of sin and the characters, it looks good in the scenes, one thing I do want to say is that we certainly do not expect this to be a short series, I think Viviene has said that it will consist of more than three seasons.
Author: @erigm

Regarding the series, I must say that I am surprised for the better. I don't know what I expected, but it was good in my opinion. At first I was hooked with the first shots and was very intrigued to know how it ended up in France, I mean, it ended up in another continent. Then I got weirded out by the religious plot with the nuns and the chosen child, the messiah. I felt like they were digressing a bit, but I was still captivated by the story so I continued to watch it.
Author: @pirulito.zoado

Before the film even starts, the atmosphere of the forest is shown, showing that something strange happens in that place, where something happens to a random character but it doesn't show what it was, creating an atmosphere of suspense, then the film cuts to the city where it shows an artist developing his art is mine, she is in a store, he doesn't seem very happy with the life he leads now as if something from the past is carrying him in a few moments some flashes of memory are shown without showing exactly what happened as if it had went through some trauma a long time ago that he was unable to free himself from.
Author: @richardalexis

The complicated thing about a franchise like this (Which, as I mentioned previously, has a clear didactic focus for children and adults), is that unlike a traditional sequel, creating a continuation is not as easy as taking the same premise and elevating what there is. at stake, since first: it would be redundant, and second: considering the importance that sadness had in the first film, it would also be extremely depressing.
Author: @freddbrito

Another aspect why I consider that this film did not do so well is that if we compare it visually with Mad Max: Fury Road, this prequel is far behind in score and Mad Max: Fury Road brought with it one of the best visual aspects of the cinema of 2015, it was really something quite impressive to see on the big screen, plus there was much use of real aspects, which in this sequel there is also, but it is quite noticeable when they make use of CGI. Another aspect is that the action in Furiosa is not as fun, impressive and visually stunning as Fury Road, and although there are some very good moments, I think it lacked much more and better facts. Some characters seen in Fury Road return and although most of them don't play a very important role in the story of this prequel, it's interesting to see certain aspects of the past of those characters, even Max himself makes a small cameo at a certain point, something that I didn't expect and surprised me, even if it was something quite small. I really don't think this movie is bad, I personally was entertained even though its duration was much longer than necessary and Anya Taylor-Joy doesn't appear in the movie until more than 40 minutes after it started, because Furiosa takes the time to show us a very childish Furiosa and that part of the movie was very exaggerated its duration, also in certain moments, exactly at the end we can see Charlize Theron playing Furiosa and we are also shown how she lost her arm, which was quite interesting.
Author: @promete0sz
I do not believe at all in utopias and peace is just that, it is a utopia, the video is a complement to this, we can reach the point of balance, avoid reaching that horizon of hatred that leads to the precipice of destruction but for that it is necessary to give in thoughts and if something is very marked in human beings is that no one gives in to their ideals, in their way, in their adventure to follow in House of The Dragon.
Author: @the-lead

In Conclusion, if you really love to watch action movies, this is a must-watch for you, and you will really need to see how this movie ended because you will really need to hold your breath so tight because of the full suspense this movie will give you. There's no dulling from the start to the end, and that's why you will love it.
Author: @veneciabia

In this second part, we see the problems that everyone goes through thanks to the disagreements with the other new emotions about who should control or be the main emotion of our protagonist, creating disputes, problems and many misunderstandings, which can lead Riley's life in the wrong direction.
Author: @mundomanaure

Given this wisdom, I find it interesting to record these comments, analysis or debates that are generated in the classes. I know that they will be different from the conversations that take place on the platform, I know that they will touch on other more humanistic and visionary topics, and that pleases me a lot.
Author: @soyunasantacruz

In all the movies that have to do with kings and past times it was known that both men and women had extramarital affairs to Josephine is not criticized the fact that she had lovers, because to some extent it was justified, as they spent many months away from each other because Napoleon had to travel on horseback to other continents away many times from home then for this she was not criticized, but that he could not give a son to Napoleon Bonaparte.
Congratulations to everyone that was chosen, and thank you to everyone posting in Movies and TV Shows! We look forward to the next report and highlighting even more of you.
Hello @moviesonhive, thank you very much for adding me in this selection, I have read and supported several of those who tagged here and the truth is that they are excellent, my admiration and respect to all.
Thank you. 🥰
Hola @moviesonhive , muchas gracias por agregarme en esta selección. He leído y apoyado varios de los que aquí etiquetaron y la verdad es que son excelentes, mi admiración y respeto a todos.
Gracias. 🥰
Glad you found the posts engaging! :)
Thanks guys!
Congratulations to everyone and thanks to @moviesonhive for the nomination and the movie zone team. I really appreciate
Gracias por incluirme! Aprecio el apoyo
Muchas gracias por incluirme 💜 todas las reseñas están super interesantes 💪🏻
Thanks for the mention muchachones of movies 😀/