Weekly Recommendations from Namiks!

Authored by @namiks
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If the title hadn't somehow established it already, it's me, @namiks! And I'm sitting here drinking a cup of coffee under the intense sun here in Armenia just short of 10AM. I have had a few ideas going forward for the community as of late, and one of them being that I want to get a bit more of a direct communication with everyone, a few posts that share some fun bits of news or recommendations that pertain to the film industry. This can range from recommendations from films or shows I have personally watched as of late of different genres, or perhaps upcoming releases that seem to interest me. Think of these posts as helping you find your next movie or series to watch and review!

I may change the name of these posts, and I fully intend to get some graphics going to improve them, and even begin to find a better method of formatting them, so keep that in mind as these posts may start to change and seem without much structure. And, if you have any advice for them, feel free to let me now!

For now, let's get into the fun stuff! Here are handful of things I recommend checking out that I have watched recently:

1. Avenue 5


I'd place this as the first recommendation of something I recently watching because it has genuinely been one of the funniest shows I have seen in a long time. With a great cast, and solid execution, this comedy show takes us into deep space alongside those trapped on the Avenue 5 spaceship as their trajectory home keeps finding them months, then years away. Hilarious, with short episodes, though faced the unfortunate axe that resulted in its cancellation. Still, I heavily recommend it.

2. Monkey Man


Have you felt as if John Wick was growing a little stale at this point? Have you wanted to find an action film that holds intense fast-paced action that is similar but unfolds within a more unique environment that speaks of both identity and culture? Dev Patel's 'Monkey Man' is your answer. I loved how this film was a great example of how culture and influence can be utilised, and how a filmmaker made precisely what he wanted to see, defying the blockbuster approach while certainly carrying from the great action films of the previous generations.

3. Late Night with the Devil


I'm so glad the horror genre is returning a bit more to its atmospheric roots. Imagine turning your television on one day and witnessing a late night show in which the host insists that he'll interview the Devil himself. Back in the era before the Internet, before portable phones. How would you tell whether this was a joke or something far more sinister, as the interview results in a build up that reveals something highly suspicious? Its main character's intentions slowly answers with a slow burn that keeps you engaged. Though, I must say the ending didn't impress me much; but the rest of the film is a great time!

4. Dinner in America


Dinner in America is one of the sleeper hits of the pandemic era. A film that is heavily indie but an endless ride of chaos. A protagonist that has no respect for the status quo, yet finds himself in the company of an innocent girl that he feels the need to protect from the insanity of the world. The two form an odd friendship as the chaos continues. Disgusting humour, constant movement, and some incredible performances make this such a thrill. It may not be for everyone, but the best way to find out is to check it out. Just be sure to expect a whole lot of swearing and yelling! Definitely not for the whole family.


I hope you managed to find something new to check out with this post! As I mentioned, these will begin to have more structure and improve as I find a way to properly create them. If you end up checking these out, feel free to review them! These posts are to give you something new to discover and write about, so go crazy! If you made it to this point, thanks for reading!

These posts are set to 100% powered up to support the community account and improve our curation power.

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Yeehaw, partner! This blog post is like a fresh breeze on a dusty trail!


I like this type of publications with different recommendations. Honestly, I didn't see any of these productions but Avenue 5 and Late Night with the Devil caught my attention.


Yeah! I'm really excited with this. I want to find ways to engage with everyone a bit more. Share films and TV shows, talk about them together. And it's a lot of fun to see what people think of what gets recommended.

I do watch a bit of everything, so I'll be trying to make sure the things that get recommended aren't all one genre, but if I have been watching, say more horror than drama, then there may be more horror than drama one week. But my aim is to generally find something for everyone with these. It was a lot of fun to write up!


Buenas selecciones, excelentes reviews y gran divulgación del 7mo arte, series y más.


Dinner in America and Late Night with the Devil sound like fun. Will add them to my list and hopefully watch soon. Cheers! And nice series. I have been thinking of doing a similar post of recommendations, again, as of late.

Enjoy your day buddy!✨


I've wanted to do something like this for a while, try to get more discussion around films and shows going, something beyond just the usual reviews. And these are pretty easy to make too, so I don't mind throwing them out once a week.

I had a few other things I could've added but chose not too just to avoid ending up being too much of one genre or getting too ahead of myself, I think the sweet spot for something like this is just three or four recommendations.

I have been thinking of doing a similar post of recommendations, again, as of late.

You should do it, curious as to what you've been checking out. In general it'd be cool to see more of these style of posts. Something a bit more relaxed.

Have a good day too :^)


You should do it, curious as to what you've been checking out. In general it'd be cool to see more of these style of posts. Something a bit more relaxed.

I will see what I can do. About once a week sounds perfect.


Late night with the Devil sounds and looks great, one of the actors just watching it looks familiar, reminds me of polkadot man haha. Muchachona @aibi93 check out this horror recommendation left by the community 😀

Late night with the Devil me suena y se ve genial, uno e los actores solo viendo me parece conocido, me recuerda a polkadot man jaja. Muchachona IvanaX mira esta recomendación de terror que nos deja la comunidad 😀


The end of it sort of loses its magic, but it's a great film and very different. Very atmospheric. A short, fun film!