An Emotional Rollercoaster with Bridge to Terabithia
Hello, Hivers! It's me, @mswhimsical, back again for another captivating movie review.
Have you ever found yourself rewatching a movie countless times because you simply loved the story?
That's exactly what I do when I come across a film that captivates me. I've lost count of how many times I've seen this particular show. Yet, with each viewing, the thrill and excitement never wane.
I'm sure many of us are familiar with the beloved film "Bridge to Terabithia," which has become a cherished part of our childhood memories. I still vividly recall the first time I watched it back in elementary days. During that initial viewing, my emotions ran high—from excitement at the beauty of the story to moments of fear, laughter at the comedic scenes, sudden scares, and tears shed over unexpected events. There's just something about this movie that stirs up intense emotions within me every time I watch it.

As for the two main characters, I deeply admire Leslie's (AnnaSophia Robb) optimistic outlook on life, despite facing rejection from her classmates due to her uniqueness. Her boundless imagination and insatiable curiosity are what inspired the creation of "Bridge to Terabithia."
Initially, Jesse (Josh Hutcherson) didn't leave a strong impression on me. Despite his talents, he struggled with self-confidence until Leslie entered their lives and helped him overcome his insecurities.
Regarding the movie itself, I was truly touched by the genuine friendship between Jess and Leslie. Their personalities complement each other perfectly, and their bond transcends the simplicity of their everyday lives. When they venture into Terabithia, they transform into the rulers of their own fantastical world, where they can be their true selves and experience pure joy.
However, life isn't always sunshine and rainbows. Leslie's sudden death in the story caught me off guard. Jess's decision to pursue his passion with his teacher instead of joining Leslie in Terabithia haunted me deeply.
I couldn't help but shed tears. I found myself blaming Jess for Leslie's tragic fate, and I could sense his own guilt echoing mine. Perhaps if he had accompanied Leslie that day, she wouldn't have drowned.
Nevertheless, what's done is done. My heart also ached for Jess, who finally found a genuine friend only to have her cruelly snatched away. However, Leslie's passing ultimately led to Jess's parents paying more attention to him and making him feel less alone.
In conclusion, "Bridge to Terabithia" is a poignant tale that elicits powerful emotions, underscoring the importance of friendship and the profound impact of our choices.
Omg definitely one of the most unexpected plot twists! FYI it was inspired by a true story of friendship. What I love about this and the Pan's Labyrinth is that it's fantasy that hits hard with reality. Must see!
Definitely one of the best classic fantasy film right? Watching this show really brings back a lot of nostalgic memories for me. Many memories from my childhood come flooding back whenever I watch it.
Yes, I have just seen it a few years ago and I'm already in my 30s lol but the sense of wonder embraces the little kid inside all ages. Much !LUV
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Oh how much I cried with this movie, it's so overwhelming and beautiful. Their friendship always reminded me to a friend, so at the end of the movie I was crying because of what happens and also because I couldn't help to imagine what would I do if that happens to me 😅
Your review tell everything you need to know about the movie, you did a great post
This movie has a lot of feelings for me, I saw it only a couple of times, and both times I cried. I really liked the plot and the story. It is really worth watching it.