In This World People Die in The Most Random & Stupid Ways

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In 1882 the American Wild West was dangerous to live in, food was scarce disease spread rapidly and only the toughest people got to survive. In a small town in Arizona, a sheep farmer Albert goes to the town square to meet with a cowboy who has threatened to kill Albert's family if he doesn't get the money he lost because of Albert's sheep, he's now ready for a gunfight but Albert is a coward who begins making up arguments to avoid the fight and even makes naughty shadows with his hands.

The cowboy snaps and shoots Albert in the leg while Albert's girlfriend Louise looks disappointed. Afterward, Albert and Louise have a picnic near a river and Louise says Albert should have been braver, she suddenly breaks up with him claiming she's been thinking about it for some time. Albert says he loves her, but Louise leaves anyway.

Meanwhile, at the Saloon, Edward is waiting for his girlfriend to finish working, the manager makes fun of him for dating a woman who satisfies other men for work but he doesn't care. Ruth soon comes out of the room and goes on a date with Edward after promising the manager to come back in time for another client. In the evening, Edward and Ruth visit Albert to offer their support since he can't stop thinking about Louise and looking at their pictures together they end up going to the saloon to get drunk and Albert goes on a rant about how living in the wild west is the worst because everything can kill you.

He mentioned things like hungry animals but also drunk people going to the bathroom and miners dying from their farts after eating spicy wings which happens behind him, then he brings his friends outside to point out that the mayor has been lying dead outside for three days and nobody has noticed. At that moment two wolves come out and take the mayor's body away to eat it. A guy in the saloon gets tired of Albert's rambling and throws them out through the window. After drinking a lot, Albert clumsily rides his horse and even falls but he still makes it to Louis's house. He tries to win her back, to no avail.

The next day, an old man is riding in his carriage with his dog Plugger outside town, he's happy to find a piece of gold which he quickly hides when he sees a group of suspicious riders coming. The famous criminal Clinch asks the man for gold and even tells him to pull out his gun so that he can take it fairly without robbing him. The old man does so and Clinch says they'll shoot on three. However, Clinch shoots on too, and kills the old man. Clinches wife and Anna protest against unnecessary killing and Clinch grabs her by the neck to threaten her into silence then he takes the man's map and splits the gang to search the area sending Lewis with Anna to town. On their way out Anna decides to keep Plugger. Meanwhile, Edward goes to check on Albert while they talk about relationships and women, Albert is shocked to hear that Albert and Ruth haven't done the dirty yet because they are Christians who are waiting to get married. The guy goes to town and watches the Ice being delivered from Boston which falls and kills the guy.

They're shocked to find Louise with a new boyfriend called Froy who's mustache is the envy of every man. Later at church Albert keeps exchanging menacing looks with Froy, the pastor introduces Anna and Lewis who are pretending to be siblings, they just moved into town after the asses were over, Albert goes to Froy's moustache hurry and asks about products that can help him grow facial hair.

However, Froy Moxon says his farm salary can't afford such luxurious products. That night at the saloon Edward asks Ruth to finally get intimate but she's hesitant, he notices that she has a man seat on her face and cleans it with his handkerchief than Albert announcers he wants to leave town and gives Edward his favorite Socks so in return Edward gives him his handkerchief which gets stuck on Albert's hand.
Meanwhile, a cowboy accidentally bumped into Lewis, spilling his drink. Lewis demands to get a new one so the cowboy poor's Lewis a shot only to put his cigar inside. Lewis responds by shooting the guy which immediately triggers a bar brawl as men brutally attack each other start fires break the furniture and even kill a few people Albert and Edward pretend to fight right so they'll be left alone.

Bottles are broken and used to stab fighters while Anna just dodges at all and drinks in a corner at that moment Albert notices two men are about to fall on top of Anna so he quickly jumps into safer by pushing her out They more men are joining the fight with weapons so the two runs to town square to take a walk and chat while playing with plucker after a few throws Plugger comes back with the mayor's leg instead of the stick so the two decides to go to the cliff to relax while sharing a cigarette. Albert tells Anna everything about a situation with Louise, Anna concludes that Louise is missing out on a nice guy. Suddenly a snake slithers past them so they keep still to avoid getting bitten. Then Anna convinces Albert to take her to the fair to make Louise jealous.

The next day Anna visits Lewis in jail calling
him stupid for shooting the pastor's son, she admits she'll be happy the day the Clinch dies and leaves without bailing Louis out. Afterward, she joins Alberta at the fair where a guy is taking pictures however his camera explodes setting the photographer and his clients on fire Schumann quickly shoots the clients to save them from the pain at that moment Louise and Froy show up so Anna pretends to be Albert's girlfriend as they exchanged some banner and Anna mentions there's a shooting range and Froy tricks Albert into accepting about.

The game consists of shooting pictures of running slaves and Froy manages to land on six bullets, when it's Albert's turn he misses every shot before he can pay Anna steps in and convinces Froy to make the bit harder, she asks the game operator to make it go as fast as possible and uses two guns to hit every single target seconds now Froy has to pay Albert a dollar which leaves everyone in shock because they've never seen any currency higher than coins refusing to be seen as a loser Froy keeps on mocking Albert who snaps and challenges Froy to a dual the next day. Froy accepts and after he leaves Albert freaks out regretting that decision Anna decides she'll teach Albert how to shoot and on their way out they see a bull running into and killing a stand owner.

The duo goes out of town to practice and Albert proves he's a horrible shooter over and over again even at close range luckily Anna is very patient and never gives up trying out different tricks for Albert's progressively get better little by little after he finally shoots cans and bottles they draw a person on a door and Albert lancer shot almost killing his own Dad in the process.

Once training is over Anna rewards him with a pot cookie, they watch the sunset together and the cookies cause them to get startled even by small animals in town. The sheriff opens the sale to bring Lewis some food by pretending to be asleep Lewis surprise attacks the sheriff killing him by pounding his head on the bars.

Later that night Albert goes to the barn dance with Anna who is wearing an extra fancy dress for the occasion Froy and Louise are also there and once again Froy wants to compete, he tells the ban to play a song that celebrates the [joys of having a mustache] humiliating Albert for not having one and causing him to get kicked out of the dance floor.

Below 👇 is the song they sang in the party 😂😂😂.

Anna isn't happy about this and makes a plan she steals a bottle of whiskey from the bartender and puts a laxative in a glass then she challenges Froy to a drinking contest and loses on purpose to trick for into drinking her little trap.

Afterward, Albert and Anna leave the party and decide to drink at the farm they talk a lot and bond over their hate for the Wild West. Albert gets one of the sheep to bring in a photograph of a man smiling which is considered impossible and he thanks him with a kiss on the cheek and it quickly grows into actual kissing feeling awkward. Albert takes Anna back to her hotel only to end up kissing again which is seen by Lewis. On his way home Albert notices a glowing light coming from a bar, he opens the door and finds Doc Brown from Back to the Future working on the DeLorean, the doctor says it's just a weather experiment in Albert believes him.

Meanwhile, at Froy's home, Louis asked him not to kill Albert but he refuses, then they start doing naughty again with Louis, sucking on the mustache, however, Froy suddenly feels sick and has to run to the bathroom.

The next morning Anna gets a knock on her door and opens it only to discover it's Clinch. moments later a town square Albert is worried because Anna hasn't shown up Froy arrives but he can barely walk and he starts feeling sick again, so he has to steal some hats to relieve himself in them.

When for is finally ready to fight, Albert drops his belt and gun saying Froy can keep Louise because he's moved on after wishing Louise good luck in her new life, Albert goes looking for Anna and finds her room empty. Confused Albert goes to the saloon ran to his friends at that moment. Clinch shows up with his gang and announces that somebody was seen kissing his wife Anna who he drags and as well as Albert's heart breaks overhearing Anna is married.

Clinch asks who kissed his wife and shoots a random cowboy with a famous face to prove how dangerous he is. Before leaving, clinch tells the crowd he'll kill more people if the guy who kissed Anna doesn't meet him tomorrow at noon.
Then Clinch takes Anna out of town to hit her for kissing another man, he also threatens to kill Plugger forcing Anna to confess Albert's name.

Next clinch forcefully kisses Anna and gets his pants down to do the dirty so Anna uses the distraction to whack him on the head with a rock. Before leaving she puts a flower and Clinches ear using Clinches horse and arrives at the farm where Albert is packing his things to leave before Clinch can find him, he's furious because Anna lied to him. admitting he loves her and explaining, that she married Clinch when she was nine and nowadays she stays with him by force, then she admits she loves Albert back the moment is interrupted when they see Clinches gang coming so Ann leave after telling Albert that Clinch always shoots on two. soon Clinch and his men make it to the farm and start looking for Albert who is hiding among his sheep and gets peed on his face, When the gang isn't looking Albert sneaks around and reaches his horse to escape
a chase ensues as Clinch fails to shoot Albert because of how fast he is going.

They make it to the tracks and Albert manages to ride through before the train passes jumping on it to get away eventually he gets off the train and stops to let his horse rest only for someone to suddenly knock him out. In town, Edward and Ruth decide to consummate their relationship, Edward freaks out when he sees a woman's pants for the first time and when they finally get down to business they are interrupted by Anna, it turns out Lewis's looking for her but by the time he bursts in she's already escape through the window unfortunately she's immediately blocked by Clinch.

Meanwhile, Albert wakes up to find himself tied to a poll surrounded by the Indian Apache tribe. They are about to burn him down but Albert surprises them when he speaks their language.
Admitting that he studied a lot in his spare time, the Indians were taken down and said I'm around a campfire sharing a special drink with him, Albert drinks too much of it and starts hallucinating.

Pretty hard at first, he revisits old memories like the time he was born in which his father refused to hold him, and when Albert lost his first tooth, he put it under his pillow but only found horse poop in the morning.

During his graduation ceremony, a fake Abraham Lincoln made a horrible speech,

When he got his first bike he tried to show it off to Louise and crashed against a bunch of horses making them fall then a bunch of dwarf cowboys chased him out of town, and suddenly the hallucination took Albert to a strange field where Anna was telling Louise she is big eyes and Albert screams when he sees Louis's changed face.

Then a group of sheep that sounds like for gather to sing the mustache song while dancing and peeing at a door and long-legged sheep tell Albert to open it when he's ready the handle is a snake that snaps at Albert but he doesn't give up and tries again the door opens and Albert sees Anna and a wedding dress waiting for him when he walks through the door a condor appears in the sky with Clinches face and it's the mouth,

Albert fails to shoot it down so he kicks it in the naughty area to defeat it. At that moment Albert snaps out of the hallucination and realizes he's found the courage he needs, so Albert thanks the Indians for their wisdom and leaves six minutes before Noon. Albert shows up in the town square where Clinches holding Anna hostage, he sends her to his men so he can fight and the countdown begins.

However, Albert remembers Anna's advice and shoots at one clue each gets hit on the arm but he manages to shoot anyway disarming Albert. To buy some time, Albert starts singing a death chant claiming it's a family tradition before death.

Suddenly, Clinch starts feeling ill and collapses as Albert reveals that the Indians taught him to extract venom from a snake and least the bullet with it, he feels very proud of himself but Clinch doesn't hear a word of it because is already dead.

Anna kicks the outlaws holding her hostage to free herself and runs to Albert's arms celebrating his victory with a kiss, Louise comes over and tries to get Albert back but he turns her down because he's with Anna now. The new couple walks away and Anna reminds Albert that there's a reward for Clinches Death, soon Albert gets the money and buys tons of sheep for his farm so he can start a new life without Anna.

meanwhile, a famous cowboy from another movie shows up at the fair and kills the operator for his racist shooting game.

The End

Thanks for going through the recap, see you in the next section and don't forget to give it a like 🥰🥰⭐⭐..

The thumbnails are screenshot from the movie and edited with Snapseed

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