Hive Power Up Day - Let's grow together!

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The Hive Power Up Day (PUD) is taking place on the first day of every month and the next one will occur in a few days, on September 1st!

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Since the previous edition (August 1st), HiveBuzz has been supporting his great initiative by creating a funny new badge that you can get if you participate in the PowerUp Day.

Given the positive feedback we got and the buzz created around the last Power Up Day, we decided to make it even more fun and add a few new exciting things.

For more information about the next coming PUD, you can read this post from @traciyork.

What's new on the HiveBuzz side?

Those who follow @hivebuzz and read our last Activity Update Post might have seen this coming. To keep the fun and fire alive, we will add new challenges to each edition and make it more interesting for you to join!

Here are the changes for the September edition:

1. New Minimum Requirement

We want to onboard as many people as possible and found that for some, 100 HIVE is already a significant investment. As our main goal is to create fun and allow all to participate, we decided to lower the minimum amount of HIVE which has to be powered up to get the badge.

The minimum amount to power up and make the PUD badge yours is now 10 HIVE.

2. Be a big Power-Bee

What about showing others how involved you are when it comes to powering up? Surely not by trying to say the above title as fast as possible.

For this, we have created some variations of the PUD badge:

You guessed it, the more HIVE you will power up, the bigger your power-bee will be!

The trick here is that we won't reveal the level thresholds until the Power-Up Day is over! The only thing we can say is that the first level corresponds to a power-up of 10 HIVE.

Place your bets!

3. HiveBuzz Site Updated

To enable you to follow the various challenges you may participate in, we made a new «Challenges» tab where you can look up your achievements. The first challenge to be added is of course the Power-Up Day:

As you can see, the existing PUD badge has been transferred to this tab and HiveBuzz is ready for the next edition of the Power Up Day coming this year. This will enable you to see how often you participated in the PUD challenge.

Note: Maybe you should start to collect as many PUD badges as possible. Just saying...

How to get your Power-Up Day badge (September edition)?

  1. You will have to power-up HIVE on the 1st day of September.

    HiveBuzz will use UTC date and time to validate when your powered-up. Therefore, check your timezone and convert your local time to UTC before powering up!

  2. Power-up at least 10 HIVE. This will entitle you to the smallest power-bee. The more HIVE you power up, the bigger your power-bee!

  3. You don't have to power them up in one step. All the Hive powered up will be counted together at the end of the day.

  4. You can also give the PUD badge to a friend of yours when powering up your HIVE to his/her account. If you want to know how exactly that works and get detailed information about the process, check out this post from @arcange.

Strictly follow these rules and this badge will be on your board!

The badges will be distributed to the successful participants at the end of the Power Up Day.

Why participate in the Hive PUD

The first reason (for us) is to have fun together.

Then, in addition to making your vote more valuable and growing your curation rewards (as well as earning interest on your stake), you will also strengthen your influence on the blockchain.

Finally, some amazing members from the Hive community are offering prizes that include delegations, Hive giveaways, and other cool stuff to the Hive PUD participants.

Be ready and Power Up!

HiveBuzz is a project created by @arcange

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That big bee doesn't look like it's missed chest day 😃


It's definitely skipping leg day though LOL can't walk around on those chicken legs! Guess it flies so it doesn't matter much.


Ha! One flap of those wings and it's caused gale force winds across the UK!


Have I mentioned lately how excited I am about this? 🤣

Thank you so much to everyone at the @hivebuzz team for putting this together. I get the feeling this Hive Power Up Day is going to be the best one yet!


This is really cool, some great gamification here!

I like the challenges section, that ones a lot of fun! Look forward to seeing how much folks are going to Power Up on HPUD!


Thank you @cmplxty.
We are also looking forward to seeing the result of this new PUD edition.


Dear @hivebuzz and @arange I love the power bee and PROUD that I have one , I am planning to have a bunch of bee’s of power


Thanks for all the information and the challenge, you are an important part of the beehive.

You are like the rudder of the ship, the guide to follow to get the goal.

Thank you very much for your work and dedication.

This is the second time I do power up. But this time I will do it big time with God's favor.


Hehee, I missed by an hour or more (I think) last time, because I totally forgot to set a reminder, and I did it last minute California time! I hope not to miss it this time around @hivebuzz!
Thank you for everything that you do, and take care!🥰🌺🤙


Sorry to read about you missing the previous badge.
Please set that reminder!!! 😅


You can count on our HODL community to be part of this fun initiative !

Cannot wait for September, 1st ! 💪🥂🦊


The things we will do for badges! :) Would be great to see many thousands of extra Hive powered up each month. We need those dolphins and orcas as we lost a few this year.

Hive five!


That would be awesome @steevc! We are already curious about how it will go! For sure we will show stats after it for you to check 😉


I'll admit it---I've been spending most of my liquid HIVE (and trading in my HBD...and selling some ETH...and BITCOIN) buying and minting NFTs on NFT Showroom! Like A LOT... (I could probably have been a dolphin by now! Ha!)

But maybe on the 1st, as a show that I have a modicum of self-control, I can save 10 or 12 HIVE to power up and get a bee badge. (It's not that far off from buying an "ART"!!! Am I right?)


You are right @richardfyates 😉 With 10 you will get the small power bee, maybe you can even get a bigger one! Good luck on the trades 👍 Looking forward to seeing you join!


Ooh, I think I should have a good little bit of HIVE to power up this time, so hoping for at least a decent show of muscles on my badge, haha. I mean, as a personal trainer I can't have the wimpy bee! 😂


Very good @plantstoplanks🙂👍 No, as a personal trainer you should be a role model 😉 Looking forward to seeing you get your power bee!


This is so awesome!!!

I'm really excited. Trying to set a personal best for September 1st.

Since you're not revealing the threshold, I won't reveal my HIVE-PUD amount either 😂


Hahaha, but we will know your secret first 😉
it will be interesting to see who gets the most powerful bee! - We are also very excited 🤗


Hey there JLVC @jeanlucsr, So I just saw this and joined the challenge by powering up, but I don't think I did it right....🙃😩

Is there somewhere on my profile page to tell me that it worked? Like up on the i-info? I powered up 30 Hive....(haaa... I Think/hope..😳...)

What should I be seeing? Anything? Nothing? Freakin myself OUT here... 😱😱😱😱
Please help....😱😱😱😱



You did do it correctly. You powered up 0.3 HP.


To officially register for Hive Power Up Day you do need to power up at least 10 HP, which will be difficult because your earnings are in your savings and that takes 3 days to transfer back.

You can see it in your wallet on @peakd and you can also use to see all your movements

Posted using Dapplr


So 30 is really 0.3 then? or did I not give enough...cause I did actually mean to do 3 x 10hp... ohhh I think I get it now. I think I short changed myself...🙄

For the first time since I left high school just a couple of years ago (35...) I think I need a lesson in maths here...🙄


Hello friends of @hivebuzz, how do I know the time for Colombia on September 1?



You continue to be a positive force on and for the Blockchain; from your badges, to apps, and of course,showing tribute to those no longer with us...

Thank you for all you do !tip


<3 I also Upvote back! Im ready to get back to work here and start more up voting Captain! On a mission to upvoteand Blog. Atm doing I am in full editing mode.
sic promotions.png


Hola soy nuevo en esto de #hive podrías explicarme como es eso del encendido, yo he estado recibiendo us insignias razón por la cual estoy muy agradecido pero quiero seguir aprendiendo


OOO maybe i m late for the appreciation for this post. your work is amazing and love to be part of your community


Really cool @arcange and team. Your badges really rock. I have a few of them.



Thank you @sgt-dan, really glad you like them.
Try not to miss the next PUD one 😉


This month let me in and please give me your love

I've missed the August badge because I missed an information, this September I have a plan to power up 100 HP
We love your work @hivebuzz, @arcange, and all your team

Long Live the Hive!


Good thing, this time you saw it in time! We did a count down so you know exactly when it is time to power up those 100HP @kharrazi😉 Looking forward to seeing you get this badge! 👍


Thank you for your positive feedback @kharrazi
Hopefully you will get your PUD badge! 🤞


My gosh I am very excited 😉 that’s awesome @hivebuzz, @arange and the entire teams, you guys make it possible for everyone to hive lower up 🤩 I can’t dare to miss out on getting one little 🐝 lolz. I will definitely be more active! I think this will be one of the best.... badges YAY SUPER excited


Looking forward to seeing you get this little power 🐝 badge @sunita2990! We are counting on you this time! 😉👍


Excellent initiative and if for many of us the 100 hives are a strong investment, but I will make an effort to support with what I can and continue with my growth. Happiness always


That is why we lowered it to 10 Hive to get a badge @marinmex 🙂 Growing together is always fun!


17HIVE Power-Up... I didn't do the HBD conversion on time to have more HIVE.

Any friends want to donate enough to get the super bee? Hahaha
What I will look for is a friend who will accept an HBD transfer in exchange for HIVE to make a bigger PowerUp.

Hey @Hivebuzz, let's do a challenge like those people do on Twitter 'How many likes to...'

How many HIVE in PowerUp, to make a big green hulk bee Badge? 200? 500?


Hope your shoutout was successful @jossduarte 😉 But even with 17 you got a small power bee! 👍


Love it!

Powered up and ready to rock...Looking forward to seeing what level Bee I'll get!

Awesome stuff!


Well done @jongolson! Thanks for joining the initiative! It is so much fun to see everybody being excited! 🙂❤️🐝🐝🐝


Happy to be part of this with my first Hive Power Up completed.

Thanks for the initiative.


Just powered up a little more than 300 Hive! Can't wait for the badge, would make it a great present since today (1st September) is also my birthday :D


Awesome @gabrielatravels👍🙂
Happy Birthday to you then! We hope you had a great celebration with your friends and family!
Cheers to you!


Thanks so much! Wishing you a great day and sending hugs from Romania! 😀🇷🇴


Hugs back from Germany 😉
cheers, liz


Ok I powered 10HP up! :D Great challenge, next time I will try to power up more!


Wow, I literally just discovered this now. What perfect timing. I did power up last time, though I've no idea how (you know- one of those things that you do in amongst a million things that you do when you don't really understand any of them, but somehow it happens, but you don't know how....Well that was me back then) So I'm going to go for it now! Fingers crossed! 😅
Thank you!


Sadly you didn't power up enough Hive @chocolatescorpi to get the badge! you need to power up at least 10 Hive to receive it 😉 Maybe next month then! Anyways you did join the movement so happy PUD day 😉


Ok yeah cause I don't really understand the amounts/units, but I think I do now...🙄


Good news. Looks like you are now well prepared for the next Power Up Day 👍


I was going to PU 30.00 hive, but I think I must have done 00.30- thinking that that was 30....🙃


Indeed, you did a 0.30 HIVE power-up, which is not enough to qualify for a badge.

Keep your HIVE at warm and participate in the next edition 🙂


I did power up last month, but had no idea what I was doing back then -still don't!


Good to know and good luck to everyone.


I think this power up day will be a larger one than August.
We can only hope an even larger one for October-December of 2020.
My goal is to reach dolphin status by the end of 2020.


That is a great goal @tonygreene113! Step by step you are getting closer! You can look up the stats of this PUD at our last post!