A Trip Down Memory Lane - Part 1 - Dusting off My GoPro Hero Black


I wonder if any of you notices the difference in my photo(s) but I sure do.

Days ago, I rediscovered my tiny GoPro Hero Black camera, that I stopped using years ago, for a reason unknown.

Perhaps because it was connected to my filmmaking, back in the days or because it's so small that it easily gets lost.

I have been filmmaking quite actively, from 2010 onward and then took a long hiatus from that, starting early 2019 ( after I moved to Portugal ). The break is still ongoing and I have no immediate plans to get back to it.

And now, 6 days after moving house, I discovered this little but powerful device, in a cardboard box in my current bedroom.

It took me a while to get it connected to my laptop, but once it worked, I was able to go through a couple of 100 pictures, most of them taken 5 or 6 years ago, during my early days in Portugal.

It felt like a trip through memory lane. So much has happened since then, including C*vid and the passing of my father.
The photos showed my first house, the renovation of that same place, the area around that house, including a bunch of walks/hikes and even some pictures of my last film project that I shared extensively on Hive, between the Summer of 2018 and early 2019. It was called Tunnels of the Shadow People.

It also includes video that I took for that film project, both in my house and in the adega (wine cellar/storage space) underneath that previous house of mine.

I sold this house, the only house I ever owned, in October 2021 but left almost a year before that, as I felt that staying there, during the plandemic was threatening to make me fall back into depression.

Since then, I have lived in 5 different places, if I include the current one and a lot has changed.

Fast forward to the now. I moved house, once again, a week ago and am really enjoying my new spot. Both the house, the garden and the overall location. It's probably my favorite spot so far, in my 6 years here.


I feel there's a lot of creativity going to happen here, starting with 2 book projects

and who knows what else?


And here's a link to the six episodes of the short (unfinished) shoestring budget serial, 'Tunnels of the Shadow People', starring yours truly ( yes, me ) and Ted, the American friend that I collaborated with, long distance ( we never met up! ) for over 5 years. The entire project was made by the two of us.

6.961 CINE


I feel the short represents psychedelics a bit, like something you find and makes you feel wonderful at first, even enlightened, but then leaves you with a whole bunch of questions and new voices in your head lol

I feel the short represents psychedelics a bit,

Interesting to hear that. I only had space cake once or twice - in my early 20s - and I didn't enjoy the experience. Probably had too much of it, as it didn't seem to work and I was impatient.

Aside from that, I only smoked joints a dozen times or so, possibly a little more often, without it seeming to have much of an effect on me.

ut then leaves you with a whole bunch of questions and new voices in your head lol

Voices in your/my head, that's the red thread throughout my life and one of the main themes in my book: (The Monster of Disco) and the other monsters.

Cheers for taking the time to watch this and for leaving a meaningful comment buddy ✨💚

I wonder if getting a drone might increase some of your filmmaking interest again. You're definitely in the landscape for it, and it really does connect you with nature with the aerial views of things.

I felt some of that burnout with cameras and photography back in England, which led to me checking out the drone side of things, and it absolutely revived things for me. Completely changed the ways in which I interacted with spaces.

Also, I remember that short series!

Even if it's smaller it would be thicker than your phone right XD

I'm just going off youngest's GoPro but I don't remember what type he has

Also don't censor the stupid virus, call it what it is, we need to remember bad and stupid things no matter how desperately we want to forget/pretend it never happened so that we actually don't ever do anything that monumentally stupid ever again.

Current house looks cute. You remind me of uni days ages ago when I used to move every 6-12 months (probably trying to find that optimal balance of commutes as back then I probably could have renewed leases but actively chose not to).

It makes me happy to know that you have found such a wonderful spot and that you are feeling very inspired and creative. I look forward to reading about and getting to see your creations. Much love xxxx

When a person is having problems and does not feel good about a place, then the place should be changed then life can be good again.

oh you got the perfect place and now you can explore it properly.

You get it and I will. I like to use my legs ( and senses )✨

I am sure there will be stacks of creativity!

For sure. Now it's just a matter of setting my receiver to the right frequency ;^)

Yea most of the time, pictures always help to keep the memory in lane and helps us to sustain it actually. The beauty of pictures in the lane

Well, I am glad that you sold the house for your mental health. Staying there is truly going to cause depression during the pandemic cos there will be no one to talk to…