Wayfinder | Member & Kroni Holder - Gaming Chronicles | Splinterlands - Leader of Forbidden Summoners | Manager of New Bot Order and New Bot Order 2 | Gamer, Foodie, Anime, K-drama, Music
LeoStrategy is a Hive blockchain-based vehicle that acquires LEO and aims to generate a LEO Yield of 10-20% annually to create accretive value for LSTR holders
I wanna be free in this way vivire per libertà vivire nella libertà.
Odontóloga con más de 10 años de experiencia.
"La sonrisa es la puerta al éxito, no dejes de ser feliz"
The SPK Network is a decentralized Web 3.0 protocol that rewards value creators and infrastructure providers appropriately and autonomously by distributing reward tokens in such a way that every user, creator, and platform, will be able to earn rewards on a level playing field.
Hive User since 2016, love mostly anime, basketball, hiphop, Linux and Web3. Have a technical background and love coding languages such as C/C++, Python, Go
Biopolitical entrepreneur / "ZOLiD / Soundzone" Team member / Decentralisation as an everyday struggle / Coming back to Hive, trying to knit network again :-)