Received 0.00033859 CINE from
Your daily ARCHON / ARCHONM GP drip for CINE based on 0.5076501437091147 GP with 0.50765014 % share
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Your daily ARCHON / ARCHONM GP drip for CINE based on 0.5070614807030012 GP with 0.50706148 % share
Received 0.00034273 CINE from
Your daily ARCHON / ARCHONM GP drip for CINE based on 0.5071903991785769 GP with 0.5071904 % share
Received 0.00038157 CINE from
Your daily ARCHON / ARCHONM GP drip for CINE based on 0.5619324415463184 GP with 0.56193244 % share
Received 0.00042392 CINE from
Your daily ARCHON / ARCHONM GP drip for CINE based on 0.6212655959257262 GP with 0.6212656 % share
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Your daily ARCHON / ARCHONM GP drip for CINE based on 0.6210550649534017 GP with 0.62105506 % share
Received 0.00042839 CINE from
Your daily ARCHON / ARCHONM GP drip for CINE based on 0.6218545333605944 GP with 0.62185453 % share