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Your daily ARCHON / ARCHONM GP drip for CINE based on 0.0021013955211266673 GP with 0.0021014 % share
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Your daily ARCHON / ARCHONM GP drip for CINE based on 0.0020689765738166675 GP with 0.00206898 % share
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Your daily ARCHON / ARCHONM GP drip for CINE based on 0.002108660697717891 GP with 0.00210866 % share
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Your daily ARCHON / ARCHONM GP drip for CINE based on 0.0021209245788321083 GP with 0.00212092 % share
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Your daily ARCHON / ARCHONM GP drip for CINE based on 0.0021228687335266452 GP with 0.00212287 % share
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Your daily ARCHON / ARCHONM GP drip for CINE based on 0.0018736681327264798 GP with 0.00187367 % share
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Your daily ARCHON / ARCHONM GP drip for CINE based on 0.001627856898167617 GP with 0.00162786 % share